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  1. Squidbilly

    is this too hot?

    85 with 40% humidity would be at the absolute ceiling for me-acceptable for a day or two, but no more. If your vegging in that set up you might want to consider buying a cheap humidifier. Take a look at this VDP chart, something I have found really usefull and very accurate for cannabis...
  2. Squidbilly

    is this too hot?

    THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^makes a huge difference. So does having an air cooled hood in a tent : /. It is fluctuations in temp and humidity that invite mold and powdery mildew NOT just high temps/humidity. Imagine condensation on a glass-when you get big fluctuations in heat and humidity...
  3. Squidbilly

    young plant issues

    And dont' forget about humidity at this stage. If your temps are above 75 your humidity should be 60%+. If your humidity is below 50 I find seedlings aren't happy and it doesn't take much for the lights to burn them.
  4. Squidbilly

    young plant issues

    Before anyone says they don't need food, he's in COCO and perlite. So they do need food, this isn't my opinion. If you don't feed them they feed off themselves and 'survive' instead of forming new growth. That's why not feeding in coco for the first couple weeks is counter productive. The...
  5. Squidbilly

    young plant issues

    From seed in coco you should have a big ass established plant in one month. Not feeding for a couple weeks only sets you back a couple weeks. They might stay alive but they barely grow. It's why so many newer growers struggle with the seedling stage. Your also in WAY to big of a container...
  6. Squidbilly

    young plant issues

    I've done this in coco for a long time. Do yourself a favor and feed those things! If you don't they will keep getting a lighter shade of green(which they are already telling you they want nitrogen!) and stay stunted. 14 days from breaking ground you should be much further along.
  7. Squidbilly

    young plant issues

    YOU NEED TO FEED!!!! THEY ARE HUNGRY NOT BURNT. It's heat stress your seeing. Coco is inert. Once your plant has that set of single blades and it's working on it's 3 blade set they need food, not when the coytolons are falling off. If you keep it under 200ppm you won't burn her...
  8. Squidbilly

    Wtf. Everything was fine

    I guess they are outside? How many hours of direct sunlight do they get? What have the temps and humidity been? What kind of water are you using?
  9. Squidbilly

    Wtf. Everything was fine

    I thought organics didn't burn, lol. Looks like nute burn to me though. Being so small something is up : / Are you letting your soil get nice and dry inbetween waterings? Have you tested the run-off or tried taking a slurry sample to test the environment of your root zone? Have you...
  10. Squidbilly

    Coco & runoff EC

    All that being said, if your watering a minimum of once a day until you get at least 15% run-off(I like more then that) the ec of your run-off shouldn't stray too much futher then what your putting in, however plants drink water so the nutrient solution surrounding your roots is more...
  11. Squidbilly

    Coco & runoff EC

    I only check run-off ec(well I use ppm) as a guideline. If your run-off ec/ppm is higher then what you put in by more then 200ppm, your over feeding or letting the coco get too dry and salts are accumulating in the medium. I've never had plants complain when the run-off was even 300-400ppm...
  12. Squidbilly

    should I keep growing....loads female preflowers ...but one male preflower has shown???

    Male balls have a stem and hang down...that little stem is a dead give away because sometimes female calyxs look similar at first. If your only seeing one I say pull it off and keep checking every inch of your plant every day for signs of more-or signs that it is a hermie or somethings up-are...
  13. Squidbilly

    should I keep growing....loads female preflowers ...but one male preflower has shown???

    Also, keep checking your plants as often as possible. Like I said, those male flowers develop wickedly fast. Sounds like an actual hermie and not a stressed plant that is trying to pollinate itself-there is a big difference. A self pollinating female that pollinates other females will at...
  14. Squidbilly

    should I keep growing....loads female preflowers ...but one male preflower has shown???

    If you can clearly see balls AND pistils this early in flower it's probably a true hermie and you should chuck it before it pollinates your other plants. I just learned the hard way how fast that can happen! Don't risk it, chuck it before it chucks it's spunk all over. There is nothing more...
  15. Squidbilly

    I need a little advice on introducing a new nutrient to my schedule

    I should of also said I don't use it every day in weeks 4-7. I run dtw and a filled rez lasts me 3-5 days(depending on how many times a day I water them). I do alternating fills with the pk boost, not every time.
  16. Squidbilly

    I need a little advice on introducing a new nutrient to my schedule

    Look up lucas formula if your doing recirc. And I agree with Dr. Who, your ppm is way to high. I learned the hard way that going over 1000 is a waste of money and usualy causes nothing but problems in the long run. Not to mention plants are healthier and actually yield slightly more then when...
  17. Squidbilly

    Odd shaped leaves

    SEEDS are where it's at-unless you want pests, fungus, or problems. I don't trust clones unless I took them myself from a plant I know is healthy and stable. Gifted clones are usually gifted for a reason. Sold clones are usually sold for a reason. Too many horror stories. Unless you...
  18. Squidbilly

    Leaves crackling and turning brown.

    You have some leaf curling, possibly from over watering. Looks like slight heat stress to me. What are you min/max temps/humidity? How far away was the light and how far away is it now?
  19. Squidbilly

    friend killed them all :(

    That's almost exactly what my neighbors dog use to do. The dog would sense what we were about to do(kinda like how they know your going to take them for a walk before you even get off the couch) and he would bolt past us into his bedroom, and sit next to my neighbors chair tail a' waggin. We...
  20. Squidbilly

    friend killed them all :(

    Getting pets baked is sketchy. When I was younger we always use to blow smoke in my neighbors dog's ears/nose/mouth-but we never thought he actually got high. Then one day we were doing it and the dog started sneezing and gagging, threw up, and flopped on the floor where he started panting...