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  1. Squidbilly

    COCO + PERLITE vs SOIL the question

    Actually I just woke up and wasn't thinking.... OF COURSE you get away with light feedings and plain water once every three days. If you didn't use 1/4 strength and plain water with that method you'd run into problems with salt build-up. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU GROW IN COCO, sorry. Your method...
  2. Squidbilly

    COCO + PERLITE vs SOIL the question

    If you waiting 3 days inbetween waterings your not growing to your potential. I'm suprised you haven't run into any issues doing this. When I get lazy and don't water my plants in veg everyday I run into problems almost immediately. In fact, I'm always amazed when I read people are watering...
  3. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    grow and research simultaneously and learn from experience and mistakes. you can read every botany book in the world but you'll never learn anything until you actually start growing
  4. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    dont waste your time getting upset at n e one on here, a lot of people choose to give their advice with a side a dick cheese, so dont let it get to you
  5. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    youll get the hang of it. none of this advice is written in stone, but wet dry cycles and feed water feed is a good place to start with peat based mediums. i bet in a few months you'll look back and laugh at all these problems.
  6. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    its peat based medium, it dries much quicker then a dense soil like FFOF. If temps are above 70 i would suspect a totally saturated pot to dry in 3-5 days max
  7. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    and like others said patients is crucial. wet dry cycles. if your plant isnt.wilting its not.too dry, and if it does wilt its not.a so dont be not water.for an extra day to see how should be waiting inbetween waterings
  8. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    ph between 6-6.5. do u check the ph of ur water/feed? that is pretty important using a peat based medium. it acts differently from reg soil and preferrs being watered withing a ph range of 6-7
  9. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    wet dry cycles, feed, water, feed. preferably using something close to 10-5-5 for veg and 5-5-10 for flower. (if u have to use something from the otherwise any grow/bloom combo will work.
  10. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    its not an ammended soil he is using...its a starting mix. ive grown in peat based mediums for a long time before i coco. its really halfway between soil/hydro. it needs food at least once a week
  11. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    not watering for a couple weeks? ive never grown n e thing that didnt need water for weeks. wet dry cycles with promix/peat based medium. feed water feed. water till a little comes out the bottom, water again when the first inch or two of topsoil is dry
  12. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    when u r in a medium with NO nutrients in it, or close to nill as astarting mix, they need food almost immediately. contrary to what is said on these forums, seeds have enough energy to break soil and start single blade leaves, and thats about it. if your in an ammended soil mix then they have...
  13. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    keep with 1/4 strength and slowly increase. your plants are small bc they are hungry. they sell something called promix at lowes. that, imo would be a good medium for u to use. its a peat based medium with perlite already in it. no fertzs, and lime to keep ph stable. it requires u to feed...
  14. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    i dont see n e nute burn, i see young leaves yellowing? maybe its just the pic. sorry im on my phone
  15. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    your doing fine, dont let n e one discourage you. everything is a learning experience. what soil are you in?
  16. Squidbilly

    COCO + PERLITE vs SOIL the question

    its preference but its comparing hydro to soil. hydro will always out perform soil as far as vigor and overall growth go.
  17. Squidbilly

    COCO + PERLITE vs SOIL the question

    coco/perlite needs to be fed everyday and watered untill a decent amount.of runoff is acheived. It would prefer to be watered with full strength multiple times per day. if your letting coco get dry at all your going to run into issues
  18. Squidbilly

    Need Help w/Cooling 5x5x6'8 tent 600watt

    ive never seen a 5x5 tent with ONE vent...thats nuts
  19. Squidbilly

    Need Help w/Cooling 5x5x6'8 tent 600watt

    i was saying your intake should be low and your outtake high. this makes a big difference. cool air sinks, hot air rises. if the filterwas on the floor instead of.up high it would be sucking hot air back down-
  20. Squidbilly

    super cropping during flowering?

    I pinch, just like I'm going to bend it but I don't. this creates 'knuckles' in the branch and my.stems look like they are on steriods, lol. It makes for stronger thicker branches that can really pack on the weight. it makes them like super highways insteqd of roqds. Pinching improved my...