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  1. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Christianity=Islam It's the same thing! A different group of people saw the power of a cult leader and just 'added' another chapter after the bible. Same exact religion.
  2. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Adam and eve is a story that has been around way before the bible. Look up the Epic of Gilgamesh-one of the first books ever written. It has the adam and eve story AND the story of noah WAY before the bible was ever written!!!! The people who wrote the bible were converting pagan fables into...
  3. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Sorry, but if you know your history then you would know the bible is a fairy tale. Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays, and any religion was simply a means to contorl ignorant people. In this day and age I cannot fathom how any educated person can feel otherwise. Spirituality is something...
  4. Squidbilly

    Cooltube Help

    You can do it in almost any combination, HOWEVER in my experience running one fan to act as your exhaust and for cooling your light isn't optimal. You won't have any control-you will always have to run your exhuast at full speed because it's hooked up to your light. It's fine for now, but I...
  5. Squidbilly

    My first ever grow, stealth PC grow using LEDs

    I didn't realize your growing autos, so I'm not sure if LST has the same dramatic effect as it does with photoperiods. I can't imagine it wouldn't have the same impact though.
  6. Squidbilly

    My first ever grow, stealth PC grow using LEDs

    Don't let lst scare you! It's awesome and way less stressfull to your plant then topping. All you do is bend you plant over when it's about 5-10" tall. Here are some pics. You can see how I tied a string around the base of the stalk, opposite where I want to pull the top down-that way the...
  7. Squidbilly

    Is she ready yet? (sugary pics ;))

    You hear a lot about when the best time to harvest is and honestly, it's preference. It's not all about getting the most THC, rather about getting the best combination of taste/potency/and effect. Remember that THC by itself doesn't create the most enjoyable high, all cannabinioids work...
  8. Squidbilly

    most forgiving nutrients..

    All nutrients are the same more or less. Any of the ones you mentioned will work.
  9. Squidbilly


    I'm curious, do you have any pictures? I've only heard of it.
  10. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    In fact, I don't know if I could fill a 4x4 screen 80-90% in less then two months with anything less then 600watts, either cfl, t5, or HID. It's taken me almost 1.5 months from seed with a 600w mh and 9 plants in 3gal containers to do that, not to mention some extensive daily training, tying...
  11. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Now, t5s actually come in handy for some people doing perpetual BECAUSE they don't grow as fast as under a HID buld. That is also something to consider. With one plant trying to fill a 4x4 area in less then 2 months(approx flower time of most strains give or take) with cfls or t5s is going to...
  12. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    T5s are great but I question anyone who compares them to HID bulbs. A 4'x8bulb t5 is easily $200+ and only covers a 4'x3'area(almost) with very little light penetration, so once the plants are over 6-10" they don't really encourage any lateral branching unless you really lean your plants over...
  13. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Here is my advice about using a mh in your it! If your trying to fill a 4x4 area 80-90% before you flip to flower one 400w mh will out perform cfls or t5s, especially with one big plant. You can fill a 4x4 screen in less then 2 months with a 400w mh hung nice and high and not in...
  14. Squidbilly

    Critique my design

    Wait till you get that coco mix on timed waterings and you have some nice roots>plants go coconuts You could get away with smaller containers and less medium with multiple watering a day. Thats preference. I went too big this round, wish I went smaller. I'll go with 2gal instead of 3gal...
  15. Squidbilly

    Critique my design

    Here is my my ONLY critique, or suggestion> I think your going to battle issues with resevior temps. The only way I've been able to combat this without adding an expensive chiller is to make a cooler a my resevior and adding a frozen 1/2gallon every day or two to keeps temps below 70 degrees...
  16. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    It was a warning about the Bayer brand neem I found at home shitpot, not neem oil in general. Neem is a great product when used appropriately and correctly. I've used neem before with no issues. In all honesty I used it straight from the bottle, as per the instructions and I did it really...
  17. Squidbilly

    Weaving & Bobbing thru 1st Grow :)

    Hey finewine, nice to see a lady on these boards. If this is your first attempt...I am very impressed! Keep up the good work. Everything looks great.
  18. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    So I think I mentioned that I picked up some neem-oil up at the home shitpot. The brand was Bayer, like aspirin. I sprayed as soon as the lights went off and I manually turned my lights on the next morning so I could make sure it was dry. Well it still caused some burning : / Nothing bad...
  19. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Hope my last post didn't sound stand offish, it wasn't suppose to. I was just commenting that it's really hard to keep a completely sterlie environment-almost impossible, and for most hobbist growers preventative is required to be succesful.
  20. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Yea if your running a sterile scientific labratory and putting clean coverals on everytime you go in your room. That is unrealistic for the majority of growers. If you never had to battle pm or pests I think it's luck more then anything else.