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  1. Squidbilly

    Need help with sound

    So I agree with what everyone is saying. Even if you put a loud fan in your garage it will probably be enough to blend with the noise and mask the sound.
  2. Squidbilly

    Need help with sound

    This is too funny! I put the fridge in my basement right next to the door of my grow room. My grow room is in a back basement room, all cement walls, and I still had to put 1" foam insulation on the door and seal every single little crack with foam, and I could still hear it slightly. I put...
  3. Squidbilly

    This can't be nutes burn..

    It looks like a really small leaf from the bottom of your plant, possibly in the shade?
  4. Squidbilly

    This can't be nutes burn..

    It looks like a ph issue to me and multiple nutrients are getting locked out OR it looks like they are really hungry. Where was that leaf taken from? Bottom or top? Do you have a pic of the entire plant?
  5. Squidbilly

    need help please...yellowing leaves

    Don't under estimate how much they will smell. I would try to get the biggest fan/carbon filter you can afford-that's going to be hard to do for under 100-150bucks. Remeber that smell has been the ruin of many a grower. For 80 bucks I would look into Ona gel, bucket, and 9" fan(like a desk...
  6. Squidbilly

    Angles everywhere

    That came out weird. Running your a/c to your grow room is asking for trouble. That vent can act as a passive intake and when your exhaust is running it will be sucking the cool air out of your entire house.
  7. Squidbilly

    Angles everywhere

    Be careful running that central air duct to your room. When the air isn't running, and assuming your going to have a constant exhaust, your central air might never shut off. I've seen this happen multiple times. Your exhaust will just suck all the cool air from your entire house through that...
  8. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Without going into detail about my credentials, lets just say I had to read the tora, bible, and koran for my disertation. I would say that the koran is far less violent then the bible, and that the old testament is probably the best of the 3. They are all very entertaining. Anyway, spending...
  9. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    I follow the teaching of Squid. The bible is filled with violence and hate. Not only to homosexuals but it also women. Paganism and Wiccans have the right idea. Worship mother earth, be kind to everyone, always try your best to be selfless, etc. Christianity is dying because anyone who...
  10. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    What about allah? Islam is EXACTLY the same as christianity, it's literally the same exact thing, again created to control people. Instead of Jesus it's Mohamad. Even back then they realized that not everyone was buying that Jesus was the 'son of god' so the tweaked the story and said no...
  11. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Jesus was a cult leader. Christianity and the new testament are two of the greatest atrocities man has ever created and have caused more pain, anguish, and destruction then even the Nazis>and that is just plain fact.
  12. Squidbilly

    can anybody identify this problem?

    Have you used any foliar feeding or pest conrol? It almost looks like maybe the stomata might be blocked or having trouble transpiring. What are you temps and humidity?
  13. Squidbilly

    can anybody identify this problem?

    I agree with this. Your plant looks pretty healthy other then those couple leaves. Just keep an eye on it, it doesn't look like a traditional nitrogen def. to me, I don't think that is your problem. It could be an issue somewhere in the roots. Do you have a scope? If yes then look for...
  14. Squidbilly

    Is she ready yet? (sugary pics ;))

    *don't underestimate the power a good cure! Be patient and you will be rewarded. My buddy runs Northern Lights and it's not a very aromatic strain to begin with, however a good dry and long enough cure makes it some funky stuff.
  15. Squidbilly

    Is she ready yet? (sugary pics ;))

    It's going to be hard to get a really good idea what you like better without a cure. Make sure you keep your drying and curing organizd so you know what jars were harvested and when. So your curing jars should be labeled> 60days, 65days, 70days.(these are just examples) It's hard to get an...
  16. Squidbilly

    deficiency identification

    These can be saved. I've thrown plants in the trash, took them out of the trash a couple days later, and they bounced back(it was an experiement). I've also seen plants look a lot worse. If you solve the problem, new growth should be fine. What does the new growth look like? It doesn't look...
  17. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Sorry for the rant. The bible is a great book, filled with amazing stories, and dare I say a few lessons to learn- However its true purpose has always been to contol the feable minded. I am not an aetheist I do believe in a creator! I'm not ignorant enough to believe that it is a male...
  18. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Praying is a good thing...praying to an imaginary charles manson in the sky is another. Meditaion is awesome and actually productive to your well being.
  19. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Christianity preaches hate! If you want to worship another human being that lived a long time ago, that's fine. Don't tell people to read story books and tell them it's fact or that salvation can be found within it's text!
  20. Squidbilly

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Christianity kills spirituality and spreads ignorant hate, same as islam-more blood has been shed from religion then anything else. It's a story book! All the stories in the bible were around WAY before it was written-just with different characters. Ditto with christian holidays-they were all...