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  1. Squidbilly

    air circulation

    Do yourself a favor and wait till you can afford a cool tube or air cooled reflector and the proper fans. If not, I would SERIOUSLY consider using CFLs until you can afford to go the HID route. I have a 4x4 tent that sits in a basement room that stays 50-70degrees year round. Using a 200cfm...
  2. Squidbilly

    air circulation

    Like some one else mentioned, be careful with light leaks from the passive intakes, that is the biggest problem I find using them. Also, your absolutely going to need an inline fan, and I would recommend getting the highest rated CFM 4" fan you can find, especially with that wicked 180degree...
  3. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Just checking in. I had a spider mite issue in my veg room so I opted not to use a screen just in case I need to pull the plants out to do some emergency treatment. This is 2 weeks 12/12, I was planning on using a screen so I trained them in anticipation for that so I still have a nice even...
  4. Squidbilly

    LST question

    I would bet the farm that your going to have to remove handfuls of leaves eventually growing the way you are-my advice is don't be scared to remove ANY leaves you think are getting in the way, or blocking light, or laying ontop of other leaves creating 'wet spots'. In veg I literally have to...
  5. Squidbilly

    Cola Color??? w/ Pic

    You need to ALWAYS water them with FULL strength nutrient solution(what ever full strength is for you, not by what the bottle says). You should never never never give coco plain ph'd water. Even if you absolutely have to flush, which I wouldn't do unless you have some severe problem, you...
  6. Squidbilly

    Is this just from low pH? (coco) (pics)

    I think your use of great white might have something to do with your problems- that stuff only needs to be used a couple times through out your grow and I've always been under the impression that supplementing with it too much can actually cause similar symptoms to what your seeing. Once your...
  7. Squidbilly

    LST question

    You did it right. There isn't just one way to LST-any time you are bending branches or tying anything down you are implementing low stress training. You don't see a lot of info on topping multiple times then using lst because unless your growing monster bushes you don't really need to do...
  8. Squidbilly

    Drowning before harvest?

    Yup, I agree.
  9. Squidbilly

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Looking good guys keep it up! Unfortunately I decided not to go the scrog route only because I found some pests on a few vegging plants : / so I've been in emergency treatment mode>I got it under control but I just started my first week of 12/12 and I want to be able to easily remove/treat any...
  10. Squidbilly

    Tent growing is a bitch, look what I had to do.

    In my 4x4 tent 1 6"x24" phat filter hooked up to a 400cfm fan completely kills the smell of a jack herer, 3 Headband, and 3 Bubba OG in flower>and these are some of the stinkiest smelling strains I've ever ran. In contrast, my cheap vortec carbon filter did almost nothing to eliminate the odor...
  11. Squidbilly

    Tent growing is a bitch, look what I had to do.

    You'll always battle smell with that set up. Your lights need to be on their own seperate fan and your filter needs to be on it's own fan. Also, use hard ducting where ever you can, flexible stuff sucks. The reason you were dealing with smelll is your fan was pulling it through little cracks...
  12. Squidbilly

    What do you think yield will be??

    Scrog is great if you have the time, but it has some major draw backs, like not being able to move the plants-or it being a real pain in the ass to treat them GOD FORBID a pest issue or powdery mildew rears it's ugly head. I would research all the different training methods like topping and...
  13. Squidbilly

    Should I flower now?

    Like everyone said, don't underestimate the stretch in flower! At 8.5" I bet that lemon og actually stretches to almost 30". That being said, it's not a big yielder. If you flower now you'd be lucky to pull more then an once off the plant, esp. with cfl/led. If you have the room I would veg...
  14. Squidbilly

    2 Month in veg, Piece leaf missing .. no sign of insects

    That was your problem-feeding them just water! I missed that part, lol. In coco/perlite if your watering till run-off each day you shouldn't have to flush until right before harvest. If you have to flush for an emergency, ALWAYS use 1/4 strength feed, straight water stresses them out and...
  15. Squidbilly

    2 Month in veg, Piece leaf missing .. no sign of insects

    Did it happen after you flushed? And did you flush with just plain water?
  16. Squidbilly

    Dr Greenthumb's Headband

    Looking good! Mine are vigorous to say the least, lol. I made the flip on the 10th, so I'm not far behind you. I'm getting excited for these.
  17. Squidbilly

    Mack's DTW auto watering system

    I'm still getting a feel for it myself/trying to figure out what works best. I made the mistake of using 3.75gal containers, I wish I went smaller because I need to water a minimum of 2mins to get them saturated-when I water once a day early in veg I run it for 3-4mins. I slowly increase to...
  18. Squidbilly

    Emergency problem!

    What are they coming out to do? You would be really suprised what plants can tolerate. Once I was gifted a mother and soon I realized it was covered in spider mites. I don't have a quarantine room, lol, so I immediately put it in my garage and sprayed the hell out of it with neem. I wasn't...
  19. Squidbilly

    Are Feminized Seeds Worth It?

    THIS EXACTLY! I think user error/bad genetics accounts for many hermie issues
  20. Squidbilly

    Are Feminized Seeds Worth It?

    Could all the hermies possibly be from all these exotic crosses that we are all sold? I hate to say it but seed companies are in the bussiness of making money-not to mention the fact that seedbanks might not even be selling you the strain they claim. I think alot of the hermie issues are just...