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  1. Ratty696


    thats what I do and I have 100% success so far. try to use tweezers so you dont touch the roots when planting.
  2. Ratty696


    I just put my seeds in a glass of water in a dark place and within 24 hours they pop. Then plant them root down. This way you cant damage the roots. With the paper towel method you risk damaging the roots. just keep them in a dark place and they will be fine.
  3. Ratty696

    Chopped vs Unchopped

    chopped for sure. Or like you said it just dont burn right.
  4. Ratty696

    Smoking Near Growing Plants

    smoking never hurt my plants.
  5. Ratty696


    Sorry I read it wrong. thats fucked up!! someone must have made a mistake when they shipped them. call them or email them and tell them what happend. see if it was even from them.
  6. Ratty696

    is it stretching ???.. help

    your only using 1 light bulb?? You should use at least 4 per plant and try to get the 42 watt cfls.
  7. Ratty696


    I have never bought from that site but the seeds I have bought came the same way. Its just for stealth reasons. Dont worry man thats just how they come.
  8. Ratty696

    Indoor WW and Kahuna Outdoors??

    Thanks for the info. anybody else know the diference between indoor and outdoor seeds?
  9. Ratty696

    Indoor WW and Kahuna Outdoors??

    Anybody!! Its a simple qeustion.
  10. Ratty696

    Indoor WW and Kahuna Outdoors??

    I have done my last 2 grows indoors and I have 4 clones from my White Widow ladies and some Kahuna seeds. They are both from indoor seeds. I just planted 2 of my WW outside in pots and I'd like to plant a few more. How well will they do outside?? And really whats the diff between indoor and...
  11. Ratty696

    Transpoting Plants..

    Ive moved plants many times 6 inches to 3 feet tall the little ones fit nicley into a small cooler. do the speed limit where your seet belt and youll be fine.
  12. Ratty696

    Plants not happy after transplant

    Quit useing the flora grow. I had the same problem, I quit using the grow Because a buddy told me to try it and they did awesome after I stopped using it. Just give them more of the bloom to make up for it.
  13. Ratty696

    Did we actually land on the moon?

    Thats because at the time people didnt realize just how full of shit the government was. After seeing all the shit they lied about over the years that would make anyone question them.
  14. Ratty696

    pee plant

    This is the second post today about it and I see at least one per week. People asking the same thing
  15. Ratty696

    Did we actually land on the moon?

    Who cares what good has it done??
  16. Ratty696

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    Ballast and wiring $269, 465cfm fan $145, Hortilux super Hps bulb $115, reflector $140, Nutes $100, ph tester $30, venting pipes $30, seeds $50 (WW for bcseedking) , pots $30, Black/white polly $50, Soil $50,osolating fan $35, Talking the wife into letting me grow Priceless. So $1044.00 plus...
  17. Ratty696

    "Pressure"- My Eyes Were White

    School?? How old are you?? Ive been smoking for 12 years and my eyes dont get red anymore unless I smoke a LOT!!
  18. Ratty696

    Ratty's At It Again!! White Widow Round 2!!

    Well I was wrong the stunned cunt never brought it. Sooooo I guess I gotta make the trip myself. Stupid bitch!! Oh well. Not the first time she's fucked me over why should I expect any different this time. Sorry guys its gonna be a while yet.
  19. Ratty696

    Canada laws

    Not quite man!! You have to pay a parking ticket. LOL
  20. Ratty696

    brown leaves HELP!!!!

    Pictures if your gonna ask questions like that. Need pics!!!