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  1. mike91sr

    Silicon for your plants!

    Yeah, protekt raises ph. Not sure what ingredient would change that.
  2. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Thats why if you supplement with co2 you move the air pump out of the grow area. You turn fans off when supplementing so you dont just suck out all the co2 youre putting into the room. Im guessing anyone with a bottle of yeast and sugar doesnt have a sealed room so co2 is irrelevant in this...
  3. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    I'll stop pissing on your thread when you stop pissing on BASIC logic. Call it arrogant all you want, I'm not touting myself when I say youre clearly just either too ignorant or too stupid to use basic deduction to comprehend a simple concept.
  4. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    I said I'm done trying to help you, not done hangin out. Partys just gettin started
  5. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Nvm. When youre willing to listen and try the fixes offered up to you, come back. Till then, just keep calling everyone arrogant who answers your question and tells you youre wrong when you are, then ignore their advice but keep wondering why you have the same problems you started with.
  6. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    1. You DONT have excessive co2, those setups just dont do it. 2. Assuming #1 weren't true, having problems caused by your co2 setup would mean excess co2 is your problem because lowering it would fix it, right? And if lowering it makes it better, that means the excess amount was the problem...
  7. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    lol look close bud, youre the one that brought that thread into the conversation. Nice try though. Still waiting on your yes or no answers, and an explanation on how normal co2 levels dont cause problems, higher co2 levels DO cause problems, but excess co2 isnt the problem.
  8. mike91sr

    EC vs PPM, Why would anyone use PPM

    PPM translates to other applications, thats about the only benefit I see to it.
  9. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    You were telling me it doesnt need light to survive. Thats telling me something. Am I wrong?
  10. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Irrelevant because it only takes 1 to choke, whereas 1ppm of co2 didnt cause your problem, but you think your increased levels(which you dont even have) did. So theoretically, if co2 was your problem like you thought, lowering it would fix it. Which would mean it was excess co2 causing the...
  11. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Then why do you insist on telling me its not photosynthetic?
  12. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Its a yes or no question man, pretty simple. If a problem is caused by increasing co2 levels, does that mean the problem is excessive co2? hint: IF co2 was the problem(and its not) would lowering it fix it? Those answers go hand in hand
  13. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Let me ask you something then. Another yes or no answer will do. Is cyanobacteria photosynthetic?
  14. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    If you had enough co2 to cause problems, would you consider that TOO MUCH co2 or not? Simple yes or no answer will do....
  15. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    And a troll post for good measure. See what happens when you come asking for advice and call the first person to help arrogant?
  16. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    If you knew that you didnt know everything youd stop insisting I'm wrong when Im not. I dont care if you accept what I say as fact, look it up yourself....from a CREDIBLE source, not riu
  17. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    You said something about excessive co2
  18. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Youre welcome :fire: Whenever you want to listen to the advice given to you, feel free to ask the right questions
  19. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    I dont care what the thread says... better? 1st sentence again. Help yourself from here bro, I tried and I get a cocky ass attitude from you. You dont know what the problem is AT ALL, let alone potential cures, but you sure have no issue...
  20. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Thats not arrogance. Thats stating fact. I never even mentioned how awesome I am(THATS arrogance). There ARE plenty of sources that ship to every country I know growers in, including NZ. If you cant find them I dont know what you want me say. Res maintenance is basic stuff, but I wasnt saying...