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  1. mike91sr

    62f too cold?

    Honestly I cant even tell if theyre talking about dwc or aero. I know dwc would hold very little oxygen at that level, but if you can get enough airflow through stones it would still be fine, the plants get plenty of oxygen directly from the bubbles, not DO...
  2. mike91sr

    62f too cold?

    Root zone.
  3. mike91sr

    62f too cold?

    He is right. 86f has been proven in university studies to have THE fastest growth rate for tomato plants. The risk just isn't worth it though. 62 will be easier to deal with, way less risk for any problems and that much more DO content. Any change in growth is going to be minimal at most.
  4. mike91sr

    how safe do you think it is buying equipment over the www

    I've heard of people getting busted from brick & mortar hydro shops by either getting tailed home, having security footage taken to get license plates, or having transaction records taken. Never heard of anyone getting busted ordering online. I think the delivery of all the equipment raises...
  5. mike91sr

    3000w Multi Strain Medical Grow!! Soil ScroG, Waterfarms, DWC

    Sure thing man...heres some pics. I've been using FF trio for soil, no Ca in it but this is my first full run with RO water so I havent had to add CaMg before this. I've been using the same level for a while now and thought it was fine since plants need less Ca after the first cpl weeks of...
  6. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Im actually a very happy person and I have a GREAT life. You get all mad because I made an assumption about your grow room(which you have yet to prove wrong), yet you make a massive assumption about my personal life which is far from even being right LOL. Hypocrite.
  7. mike91sr

    OK ILL BE THE ONE TO SAY IT....FLOOMING! The latest craze in aerating your water

    No sir. Think about it. Each bubble contains the exact same elements as the air above the surface, so theres no reason one would behave differently than the other. And between the extra surface area(so many spherical shapes is ALOT more than the surface itself) and the active movement through...
  8. mike91sr

    So do you "flush or not"?

    I use sulfuric acid. And I smoke my buds. Whats so scary about sulfur? Its in the water you drink, in higher concentrations than when using it as a ph adjuster.
  9. mike91sr

    What is more stressful. Pinching or LST (Poll)

    Continually LST but only pinch once? Comparing apples and oranges. Would you rather be bent gradually at the waist or have an idiot just break your kneecaps?
  10. mike91sr

    How can increase my root growth?

    Just be careful adding anything with an enzyme directly to your res. They can contribute to slime outbreaks as youre feeding both the bennies and the nasties. Thats why brewing a tea is so widely recommended, you get the benefits of the good bacteria without contributing to the bad bacteria...
  11. mike91sr

    FAST & CHEAP Cloning.

    Hahahah thanks bud! Glad you had a good trip. I love weddings too(though not as much since having my own). Nothing like getting dressed up to go to a elegant and formal event for 2 hours, just to get completely shitty and slutty for 6 hours right after lol.
  12. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    IM BACK. miss me?? I like how the first thing you did after saying that is to twist MY words. I said youre doing noobish bs, not that youre a noob LOL. And for being so mad that I assume stuff about you and your setup, you sure have no problem doing it right there. Hypocrite. Youre right, I...
  13. mike91sr

    EC vs PPM, Why would anyone use PPM

    One example, co2 meters can determine the concentration with infrared. Nothing to do with electrical conductivity, so ppm would be the easiest way to discuss different matters while having a constant unit of measurement. Another is when mixing any substance that doesnt conduct electricity, ie...
  14. mike91sr

    Cloning Experement - Honey vs Schultz Take Root vs Clonex gel

    Did you get unrooted clones from them or something? Everything I've gotten or seen from them has had at least a few roots sticking out of the medium and took off right after transplanting (except for one that I fucked up putting it into my system). Was it all the clones you got that are having...
  15. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Yes I can, but keep in mind that youre the one that started by calling me arrogant when all I was doing was giving you the information you were asking for, and even going through the trouble of providing sources to you and explaining the logic behind my reasoning, just to have you shit on them...
  16. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Yeah you dont have a sealed room if you dont know how much effort goes into truly sealing it. Nice try again. Keep trying to argue with me, worked out so well for you so far. This is fun
  17. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Because unless you have 1bottle/cu ft, your co2 levels are not above normal. Or do you have a meter for your homemade co2 setup lol
  18. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    LMAO go ahead and put your pumps on a timer to match your non-timed co2 bottles.
  19. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Lol so you spent the time and money to get a sealed room but not the $200 for a real co2 setup. LMFAO again with the logic. I actually hope youre lying about that, for your sake.
  20. mike91sr

    CO2 and roots with bubbleponics question

    Nailed it. I google things for people to feel good about myself. Its the same reason I beat women and steal kids' lunch money. I dont understand how you can sit there and argue that light leaks dont cause a photosynthetic bacteria problem LOL And I claimed to know YOUR ppm levels when I said...