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  1. cackpircings

    Is it bad that I want to go to war?

    I’ve seen the Wars first hand and I would say that deep down inside we all want to be a hero. Truth is war isn’t for everyone. Being a hero isn’t for everyone. It goes to show what some people would fight and die for and what others would run from. When you have a feeling...
  2. cackpircings

    Vaporizor and Bongs gone :-(

    I swear that people say shit just to get a rise out of people! Mickey mouse bullshit son!
  3. cackpircings

    CIA takes a hit in Afghanistan

    Its not the regular Joes they are just trying to do their job. They have families and stuff.
  4. cackpircings

    sativa done yet?

    I do the plant to the side and let it do its own thing. Just give it a little of the hydro water and not. Its a nice little side project to have and make for great 40 bag product.
  5. cackpircings

    How to make your plant turn purple?

    Cold is what makes my girls turn purp. The summer they are lush green, but right when winter hits they get all purple... Really really dark purple. Its crazy!
  6. cackpircings

    f@ck it... post pics of YOUR tats!
  7. cackpircings

    Escape Plans?

    Fuck that I would fight it till the sun went down and came the fuck back up. I'm no fuckn runner and fright for what I believe in! Never had a record and I am a working man with a good past and future. It would hurt the the MAN to go after me. However I am a disabled vet and I have a med...
  8. cackpircings

    so who has flowered a hermie??

    Kill them dude... THe nuts will burst you will have a shit load of seeds. Trust me its not worth it.
  9. cackpircings


    :joint: I agree with you... never picked it up. most people smoke about a pack a day. say for the good of all things cigs are $5 a pack 5*7=35 35*4=140 a month! Thats 140*12=1680 a year and thats the low end of things also.:shock: Growing your own weed and rolling your own cigs...
  10. cackpircings

    Roll Call For RIU Military Vets

    Thanks for your service. Where was your homebase in Iraq? I was AL Taji...Camp Cook.
  11. cackpircings

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I just bend the girls down at the net I dont ever really top them.
  12. cackpircings

    spider mites a week before harvest!

    Dont worry than you know when you have a bad spider mite problem and yours isn't one. However if you have clones ready to go you will have a problem and need to spray the new ones with neem and clean your grow real good.
  13. cackpircings

    Roll Call For RIU Military Vets

    I'm to fucked up to go back! I'm only 28
  14. cackpircings

    spider mites a week before harvest!

    just let them finish the last week. Are the webbing the tops yet? If so cut now. Your fine eather way... Get no pest strips that will kill them quick.
  15. cackpircings

    Roll Call For RIU Military Vets

    Army 2001-2009. One tour of Iraq 11b (infantry) 03 -04 70% rated disabled under VA. TBI, PTSD, Tinnitus, rib lesion,
  16. cackpircings

    moms ebb and flow do i need to trim the roots

    you can trim roots I do it once a month.... My moms are all in soil though. As for the Algae, it shouldnt matter much. I would clean the algae ones first, Good luck!
  17. cackpircings

    Would You Be An Insurgent?

    Iraq needs control, Afghanistan needs control. America!!! Fuck Yeah! Goin to save the mutha fuckn world yeah! I believe this to be true.
  18. cackpircings

    Day 68 Flowering... Question!

    I chop my WW, cali orange, and my Hash plant at 8 full weeks. Your girls look good, do what you feel is right.
  19. cackpircings

    Household ammonia as a gaseous instant fert

    Yeah he is right... Potash Mg exc... Plants need more than just that.
  20. cackpircings

    How do you grow without using lots of ELECTRICITY???

    1 600 watt light will run you maybe 30 extra a month. They pay out is worth it.