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  1. cackpircings

    How big of a plant do you need to harvest an elbow?

    nice grow bud shot how many plants is that?
  2. cackpircings

    How big of a plant do you need to harvest an elbow?

    I just purchased a Plant tissue cloture kit and am going to give it a try for the next couple of grows… You should look them up.
  3. cackpircings

    How big of a plant do you need to harvest an elbow?

    I can do it with 7 plants with 1kw light lst and scrog. I am doing it right now andlast time I did it with just 400 watt and lst 3 months of veg
  4. cackpircings

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    Just got a kit I will show you when I get it...:joint:
  5. cackpircings

    Keep your Mothers in a Jar!

    Bad ass im doing it for sure this is neet!
  6. cackpircings

    Keep your Mothers in a Jar!

    it would be cool to do becasue you could keep a bunch of mothers and switch your yialds around every cycle that would be kina fun:pI
  7. cackpircings

    What do you get out of growing?

    I feel the same way man... I am a grow junky now... Everyday is a better day when your weed has grown.
  8. cackpircings

    DIY ppm meter

    damn me to muha
  9. cackpircings

    Whos got problems with Christ?

    I’m glad to see some people are still blinded by the light. Look good friend go to the Middle East and trample around there for a while, it’s literally a desolate waste land. It’s no wonder people came along with the concept of Christ during the time they did because they had nothing better...
  10. cackpircings

    2nd week of flowering.. opinions

    That’s a cool way to grow if you have the discipline to move it in and out of the sun. You will get a great yield out of that because the sun is the strongest light that we could ever have access to. Nice plant bro good luck.
  11. cackpircings

    Scrog questions...hellllp!

    Use a funnel if you can figure it out. I use a rain waterier. It is basically you long neck house plant water and it works the best. I always wanted to rig something up however that could spread the water out between the plants.... Although I don’t grow dirt anymore so that is an old dream...
  12. cackpircings

    +rep : Who can tell me how to do this?

    Just go to your local hardware store and ask for Florissant light ballast. From my experience in the business of remolding homes I have found that you can get t5 bulb ballast literally everywhere.
  13. cackpircings

    8 weeks, 2 days flowering, 4 ladies under 150w HPS

    killer cant wait to see what your final yeal number is.
  14. cackpircings

    Nute Burn or Lights too Close?

    It probably was from the extra water... You never know really... If the plants new growth is fine than you really shouldn’t worry, but sometimes after a little time the new growth will develop the same defect that you are experiencing. I had this happen to a mother once. She started to...
  15. cackpircings

    South Texas gets Busted

    Good luck and happy trails my friend
  16. cackpircings

    The CackPiRcIngs Grow Hydroponics

    Behold …. New Pictures :leaf:
  17. cackpircings

    The CackPiRcIngs Grow Hydroponics

    I use bug biters for control of the insects. Pitcher plants venues flytraps exc
  18. cackpircings

    The CackPiRcIngs Grow Hydroponics

    Sure brother +reps for being the first.... Just grow by the rules man.... Don’t try to change the rules of growing everything has been done... What you want is good light good feeding and a good environment. Again thank you ao much!
  19. cackpircings

    South Texas gets Busted

    SHit dude I hope we win!