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  1. cackpircings

    How to mix Nutes?

    Nice plants... Yeah dude I'm a city farmer... THe only think I know is what I get from books and people just like yourself, as well as what I get out of my own experance...
  2. cackpircings

    Busted what the fuck is gonna happen

    Crazy dude I had the same shit happen to me a while back! My alarm had gone off, because I dropped my keys in the toilet. Just got the stupid thing so I didn’t think anything of it disarmed it and just kept working around my house. The sheriffs dept showed up and said they had to search my...
  3. cackpircings

    How to mix Nutes?

    No chimical tast as long as you flush with a good amount of time.
  4. cackpircings

    How to mix Nutes?

    You need to get ppm checker, mix in a bucket with water... My mothers are the only dirt plants I have and I feed them at 900 ppm an extremely strong nitrogen nutrient. You can get a nice little ppm checker on ebay for 19.00
  5. cackpircings

    growing weed in prison new help

    I think its dumb why not just chill out for a while
  6. cackpircings

    Different way of coloring weed

    good point and noted
  7. cackpircings

    35 Days Flowering Grandaddy Purple and Purple Kush S.O.G.

    I don’t know about dirt bro, but look around online.... Not only that you need to make sure they will work with your primary nurturance
  8. cackpircings

    ebb and flow or ebb and gro

    I concur with this
  9. cackpircings

    Need help on when to harvest

    The flowers look like a 5th week I would go all the way to 8 full weeks bro
  10. cackpircings

    1500W Closet Semi-Sog (soon with pics)

    pictures.... I would love to see this bud
  11. cackpircings

    35 Days Flowering Grandaddy Purple and Purple Kush S.O.G.

    Im doing a 38 plant grow right now, its a lot of work, but my plants are all about three feet tall
  12. cackpircings

    35 Days Flowering Grandaddy Purple and Purple Kush S.O.G.

    nice grow man keep it up ill be watching for sure!
  13. cackpircings

    what strin is this (flower pics)

    take a leaf and give it a good smell does it have a orange citrus smell?:clap:
  14. cackpircings

    How screwed is my friend?

    Well if you think about it dude, we fight so hard for a common reason (legalization of MJ) you never hear that some dude got all stoned with his friends and wrecked the car killing them. Alcohol on the other and… I mean fuck dude.:weed: you know
  15. cackpircings

    How screwed is my friend?

    This isn’t in affect to toot my own horn or to turn face to the situation, but if you have ever been close to dying and survive you gain a whole new respect for every last waking moment in your life... I don’t know if this girl had the emotion before she was tragically killed but one...
  16. cackpircings

    How screwed is my friend?

    However what I said was pure assumption, I’m just saying that most of us that have been put into that situation and didn’t want to be are maybe a little embarrassed to say anything… ether way I still feel for the poor young lady.
  17. cackpircings

    How screwed is my friend?

    Anyone that has lost someone close to them in drunken driving accidents know it is the most heart braking thing so I fill no pity for your friend and his kid like negligence. I do however feel pity for the girl who had no say and how she was going to die that night.:arrow: just makes my day bad...
  18. cackpircings

    How screwed is my friend?

    I 100% agree about how sad this is... BULL shit that some meat headed mother fucker thinks he can just go drive drunk and kill the person that probably didn’t even want him speeding bull shit for sure. The dude should get some good jail time for being and idiot.... As for your friend who was...
  19. cackpircings

    Busted 4 days after 420

    Fire thank you for your experience and story of dealing with the law. It is one crazy story and I must say that I was so into this blog that I just about forgot what I was doing however I’m baked out of my gourd! I hope that I never have to experience the law like this. Although the only...
  20. cackpircings

    800watt SoG- ebb&flow//aero

    nice little deal man. 800 is going to give you some nice nugs in that grow... I will stay posted brother.