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  1. cackpircings

    You know you have too much time on your hands when...

    thats dope man I love this video.:joint:
  2. cackpircings

    Can one be gay and not know it?

    I have met a lot of gay men and woman, and have asked the question how they knew they were gay and they would ask back how I knew I was strait. Well I just did because I love vaginas and I love tits. SO right back they would reply back pretty much the same without as much bluntness in most...
  3. cackpircings

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    Word dude for real the biggest scam ever! To top al I cant stand hard core chirstans and their funny ways :-):spew:
  4. cackpircings

    The CackPiRcIngs Grow Hydroponics

    More pictures:bigjoint:
  5. cackpircings

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    the strongest shit I have ever smoked is crack I dont know what is in that shit but holy cow... j/k... I dont know really, fire crackers get me higher than I have ever wanted so with that being said go make one and you will see what I am saying. PM me if you need help doing this BTW if you...
  6. cackpircings

    Bailouts...who's next....

    Dude he is going to get into office just like all the other puppets do and be controlled by the real powers that be. All the rich fucks that want to make sure we stay dumb and continue to be the worker ants of the world so the queen ants can keep their pockets fat.:joint:
  7. cackpircings

    growing weed in prison new help

    Here’s a fucking brain buster... how about not smoking till you get out bro. You’re not going to jail for being bright, so why would you go and fuck yourself… Looks like you need some discipline boy. Go to jail, enlighten yourself for a bit get out and stay low then start to...
  8. cackpircings

    Light heat Exhaust Question

    it works good and keeps the room good and cool... Only thing is im using a 1000 watt light in mine.
  9. cackpircings

    Light heat Exhaust Question

    I do mine the same way man... as your picture there.
  10. cackpircings

    could search warrent result from the dump

    if you are growing dirt get a bucket and compost the left overs.
  11. cackpircings

    4 weeks in bud

    I myself grow hydro. I started out in dirt though. Do you check your ppm and ph?
  12. cackpircings

    4 weeks in bud

    do you have stuff like ten foil on the walls or around the plants? 600 watt light at around 4 weeks will give you good sized buds at about the 5th week your buds will really start to swell up.
  13. cackpircings

    could search warrent result from the dump

    Good point this is how I handle my stuff... If you can’t burn than use an offsite trash can.:joint:
  14. cackpircings

    first grow indoor chocolope

    right on man good luck
  15. cackpircings

    is this normal for 4 weeks in flowering? pics pics

    The leaves look really burnt. Pull your ppm down or just add water for the next couple of times. At least till you see the new growth normal again.
  16. cackpircings

    4 weeks in bud

    what is the lights your using?
  17. cackpircings

    Bush gets shoes thrown at him

    I dont know man he played base ball for a long time.
  18. cackpircings

    Leaves curling down and inwards

    yes... Let them recover a little before you put them into flowering. :joint:
  19. cackpircings

    Leaves curling down and inwards

    I see what you are saying man… But it all factors at what the plant its self can handle. I have used DM gold and almost killed my plants after pitting them over 500 ppm. In fact I stopped using dm because of that. I use all Technaflora now. The only way to truly know what your plants will...
  20. cackpircings

    Leaves curling down and inwards

    Yeah you can do that if the leaves perk back up. This is the problem I see right now. Your plants don’t look to healthy so if you put them into flowering it isn’t going to make much of a difference. They are going to still have to recover from the shock they are in now. My advice...