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  1. M


    I checked a couple of hermie pics. They actually are growing a lil stem, then at the end you see the Sac. What I'm seeing is the "sac" growing right outta my main stems... IS that a Hermie?
  2. M


    Whats the best way 2 tell if I have a hermie??? I just remember a couple of days ago I started using 'Shooting Powder'. This is my 1st grow, I think I may be overracting. Can anyone post a pic of a hermie? or tell me the Characteristics?? What I'm seeing are lil circle balls comming right...
  3. M


    Are you suggesting that I starve my girls to get the seedlings to go away?
  4. M


    Will that work?? Just picking them off???? Will the seedlings comeback? will I have seeds in my flower?
  5. M


    This is my 1st grow.... My girls are about 6 weeks in to flowering on the 12/12 cycle. This morning I notice in a couple of spot on a few stems some little balls. I know these are feminine seeds that I got. So I'm thinking I had a light leak & they hermed on me. I counted & they are probably...
  6. M

    Light purple leaf stems

    my room avg temp is 75 hum 51... Feeding CNS17 & Hygrozyme.. SO which is it? Normal or problem?
  7. M

    Light purple leaf stems

    I'm about 2-3 weeks into my 1st grow.. I'm growin AF Mango, D*, & P xpress. I'm notice on the Af Mango last week the leaf stems that lead to the leaf are turning a lil purple/burgundy...? Then I seen it start showing a lil on P xpress... Is this normal? Is there something wrong with my girls?
  8. M

    Does spraying help?

    Thank you for your replies... I will not spray.. My girls are doing great.. I just thought maybe I'd get a lil more growth.. This is my 1st grow, so I figured I'd ask
  9. M

    Does spraying help?

    I'm on my 1st grow.. about 2 weeks in my girls are about 12 inches tall. I was wondering would it help if I sprayed the leaves & stems with the same water/nutrients I'm using to water them...? Any idea on if it would effect good or bad??? Thanx
  10. M

    light cycle for seedlings

    oops.. I didnt see it was seedlings.. My girls are in th grow stage... I got about 3 weeks before I switch to 12/12
  11. M

    light cycle for seedlings

    Can I mess things up if I switch from 18/6 to 24/0?? Will my girls turn into hermi's? I've they've been on 18/6 for at least 1-3 weeks
  12. M

    new grow rm need some help

    I went & got a small oscillating fan.. My humidity levels kicked up to 35-45.. My avg temp is now 77-70.. I watered my girls with spring water from Giant Eagle.. Mixed with 10 ml of CNS 17 & hygrozme. After a few days they perked right back up!! Thank you thank you!!
  13. M

    new grow rm need some help

    So I've started with a Grow 3x3 tent. I have a flouresent light, Carbon filter fan, stand alone window fan... My avg room temp is 72-82, my humidity levels are 22-32. I got 3 clones (death*, pineapple xpress, & af mango), & 3 moms of each. I'm starting to notice some of my leaves are turning...