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    My first attempt at growing

    anti-troll ;)
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    Cannacopia's Chunky Cheese And Magnum, Envelope To Zig-Zag

    sorry bout the mold, Tet :( what brings it on? you seem to be sadly too experienced in mold. i have never ever had mold in my grows so i am under the impression that it happens on a regional basis rather than being a risk to all ops.
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    powhitetrash Grow

    word of advice on using sugars in your grow: go easy with it! fermented sugar is alcohol and kills plants. some like DB swear by using stuff like this, personally i swear AT it ;) all boils down to your grow methods and style though, so dont think i am bashing or saying not to do it... my...
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    My first attempt at growing

    and herein is the reason i mostly lurk a few choice threads.
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    Cannacopia's Chunky Cheese And Magnum, Envelope To Zig-Zag

    cant you just cut the parts showing mold? harvest in shifts rather than all early.
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    My little experiment

    yo Sat, where ya at?
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    Sterilite ScrOG Cabinet Build

    yeah, ScrOGging only really works when you know what sex your plants are. due to how your grow is, i would take clones at 2 weeks (if you have the growth for it) regardless of sex. if they are male, kill the clones off. if female, your mother is growing :D
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    My first attempt at growing

    i vote for the blow up bed.
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    Bansai mother

    stop what you are doing and watch the plant. the plant will always show you whether you have done right or wrong. take notes and do it differently next time. the best plan for trying new things with your plants is to be slow and methodical.
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    My first attempt at growing

    oh, as for mine hiding so well... a false wall sure does help :twisted: i literally have to crawl into my grow under a counter top. :blsmoke:
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    My first attempt at growing

    depends on your strain... some ultra dank skunk will never work in a setup like that, no matter what you do. my strain (un)fortunately has a very light smell (which is probably due to some deficiency i have introduced) so i get away with very little in the way of oder. one thing that helps with...
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    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    you sure you aint a chick? :blsmoke:
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    My first attempt at growing

    oh yeah, i saw your yield! whether you needed help and advice or not, you were wise enough to take that input and turn it into quite the enviable first crop. well done, hoss! :mrgreen:
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    Sterilite ScrOG Cabinet Build

    you will find people get squirrelly with clones... sad but true. my new cabinet will be set up with a similar grow area to yours in each flower tank... what i am thinking on doing is getting 100 watt HPS and a 50 watt MH for each flower area. i liked mixing HID's a LOT back when i had a real...
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    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    truth is, you have MUCH better results from yours than i do from mine. my best buds would be lucky to wind up in your bubble bags cause they are like your popcorn. what i do have is plenty of head weed for cheap though :D now, if you want to ship me some of your excess hardware i'll show you...
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    My first attempt at growing

    yeah man, company is gone.. getting back into the swing of things. my grow may suck for pics but i gotta say it sure is cool to have strangers standing within two feet of 20 or so plants and not having a clue :D the bad news is i had WAY too many clones cut... i thought i was going to lose a...
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    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    i keep trying to figure out how to get pics... but shit is too close... when the screens get fully empty i could take pics of the hardware.... but that would be as exciting as pics of used condoms i think :p sides, you have seen pics of some scrawny and poofy buds before ;) pulled 30 grams off...
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    Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

    so you say DB is turning his house into a Bong And Breakfast?
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    powhitetrash Grow

    actually, if you have enough light and nutes for Mom, she should be ready to take more clones form in 2-3 weeks. vegging plants recover from mad trimming rather well. i find mine take trimming often even if i dont need to pull clones.
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    Sterilite ScrOG Cabinet Build

    good to see you are moving forward again :) i like how the light hood looks... but it looks like it doesnt move down... you are going to raise the plants and lower them as they grow? while those temps are high as Hell, they will be ok if they are stable... i have seen plants grow and yield in...