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  1. DJBoxhouse

    Philosophy to me isn't learning the best way of thought or life, each and all philosophies are...

    Philosophy to me isn't learning the best way of thought or life, each and all philosophies are right and wrong in their own ways, or rather help break down impediments towards our mental/emotional/intellectual clarity. I find philosophy engaging, and discussions with really well spoken and...
  2. DJBoxhouse

    Whats your favorite kind of bong?

    Enough said, check out those hot babes.
  3. DJBoxhouse

    Where Y'all from?

    Just like I have a special place for canadians, I love my Irish people lol. It's cool to see where everyone is from. Gives you a nice handle on the magnitude in density of our kind. The pot schmokahz. We're just the somewhat tech savvy pot heads who like talking on forums, that's a small...
  4. DJBoxhouse

    Do You Believe The Way You Feel?

    Thanks. I have nothing against you personally, it's just your multitude of stances, all contradictory to the next give my noggen the aches. I find myself in agreeable favor with a lot of your views, just disagreeable with a larger amount of views which only contrast the prior.
  5. DJBoxhouse

    Philosophy of Life

    You've done a lot of drugs too. I'm beginning to get the idea of that notion.
  6. DJBoxhouse

    Do You Believe The Way You Feel?

    Heres how it works from my understanding. You have an array of tools, information and what have you that through research you are intellectually content in calling them facts - no faith, just evidence. Only thing you have 'trust' in is the validity of said evidence. <- do to this and open...
  7. DJBoxhouse

    Burden Of Proof

    If that's how you view god Brazko, golden. We need more figurative spirit warriors like that, but the fact is people aren't like that, and you aren't from what you've been saying, than again though, from what you've said, in contrast, you could also be like that. You never had a solid stance or...
  8. DJBoxhouse

    Can God be . . .

    NO! bacon is enforced
  9. DJBoxhouse

    Can God be . . .

    captain crunch is good with it, and the cutting is def negative to the experience. It's be godmode you must understand. The world would die from malnutrition due to eating only captaincrunch. It's a necessary casualty in taste, save for human extinction.
  10. DJBoxhouse

    Charity Weed

    I only do it for people I consider for all purposes and intentions as family. Even moreso in ways I suppose, so I guess it's little different than say me giving my sister or mom free ganja. Still though, those you care about. I mean, I like my friends, I love some of them, my boahz, home...
  11. DJBoxhouse

    Charity Weed

    Cave chest. you've successfully made my face implode lol. Care explaining that last bit for me?
  12. DJBoxhouse

    Charity Weed

    I don't know if I'm particularity weird for this, or if it's all the same all around but I feel good being able to smoke friends up. I don't mean in the sense of feeling superior, or a serene warmth of self worth, I just enjoy being able to facilitate a good atmosphere and mood to those close to...
  13. DJBoxhouse

    Where Y'all from?

    Nice you basturd, I wish you luck. And, it seems suitable for growing, beautiful weather, decent people, awesome culture, and it's fucking cheap.(All listed before apply to everything and anything there, not just for growing specifically now that I read it.) I could live in relaxation the rest...
  14. DJBoxhouse

    Where Y'all from?

    Here's how it works, You're all silly about your locations. Just yell where you're at currently and where you're originally from. You can be vague or detailed. Vague in sense of at least giving a state/province to the country you Harald to. I'm Canadian/American Live in Ontario. Was born...
  15. DJBoxhouse

    Drug Dealers

    It's all in contacts I suppose. You either know people who sell enough where little shit doesn't matter *sell/buy by the QP - good thing to think about*. However, you can get really good dealers. The trick is to find people who..well I guess, best was I can describe them as looking 'normal' I...
  16. DJBoxhouse

    Do You Believe The Way You Feel?

    I think the point of the posts, although thread density consuming as they may be, are aimed to stand back as the 'observer' or 'the narrator' Only being able to read the story on in a logically feuled manner, yet being able to feel equally, being dragged on through the 'story, so to speak. In...
  17. DJBoxhouse

    Is The Purpose Of Life . . .

    What is 'good' or 'bad' is the question. Or is it really the answer? Who's to say?
  18. DJBoxhouse

    Burden Of Proof

    I should be a scientist in every major field. I'd be so hax.
  19. DJBoxhouse

    Burden Of Proof

    So, following the current theme of the thread, to carry on: From what I've gathered, you theists don't seem to be able to 'play catch', at least where the burden of proof comes into play. I find this silly, especially when you insist on hinting that you have balls to join in on the fun. There...
  20. DJBoxhouse

    Burden Of Proof

    I prefer, when referring to 'Scientists' to consider them less in the practical more modern fashion, and moreso in the 'Dr.Science' one. Bill Nye with a twist of crazy maybe? To be a passionately learned man of the sciences, joyfully tumbling down the hills of madness with no heed for...