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  1. DJBoxhouse


    I looooove death, it just gets me off. Quite hard actually. Why, I spend all my waking moments, much like every other atheist I'm sure, pondering the innate pleasures of carnage and self mutilation. It's what I live for, it's what we live for. What do you expect? We've renounced Jesus, our...
  2. DJBoxhouse

    What is the rarest type of marijuana in the world

    Because Morbid, didn't you know? It's suuuuupppeeer important. Haha, people know something and feel the compulsion, the innate desire to bestow said arcane like knowledge upon the masses. Super important, like I said. What would we do without these wise wizards. ;)
  3. DJBoxhouse

    Fresh grow, can't find clones. - Need seed bank info.

    O-hi there, I'm in a bit of a pickle RIU, I've just recently moved to London Ontario this last week or so, and I have a reasonably small, two to three plant system going in mine and my mates shared bedroom closet. Heres the thing, I want to get my hands on three different plants. Heres the...
  4. DJBoxhouse

    Head And Dank

    I honestly, in any of my relationships, ones that have not progressed to full out sex and the ones that have, have never gotten head. Not once. I've eaten chicks, sure, done a few other things around the block as well. Just haven't gotten a polish before. Not in a relationship. Sure, once or...
  5. DJBoxhouse

    Dj Boxhouse: RIU's top 100 list.

    Rio - Shine On (Original Mix) So much soul ~ mmm I love it. Vote/s Here 99 Red balloons - goldfinger - Louis541 That's a nice list, I have most of those bands discographies lol, so I feel ya. Only one that truly does it for me though...
  6. DJBoxhouse

    What is the rarest type of marijuana in the world

    Skunky hash. If somebody EVER had a clone of that in southern Ontario, I'd pay like 40-50 bucks for it straight up. It's far too good. On par or better then jack herer, tasty smoke, beautiful look, and much much harder to find.
  7. DJBoxhouse

    Is bestiality wrong?

    They didn't even buy you dinner or romance you first either, just 'OH!..."hi there!". ' and it's gone.
  8. DJBoxhouse

    Boy-Girl...please take this thred seriously

    Endangered species need to be taken care of as endangered species! lock Mcfried up in a facility! With lots of protein! Stat!
  9. DJBoxhouse

    Atheism Thread Revived!: Jesus style

    Interesting, Religulous came off more so as a movie that stirred the idea of not knowing, and questioning things rather than spurring atheism. It seemed more of an agnosticismesque look with a comedy twist to it. Good movie though, regardless.
  10. DJBoxhouse

    Hey there! Thanks for the message, Nice book collection lol. I wish I could show you mine, but...

    Hey there! Thanks for the message, Nice book collection lol. I wish I could show you mine, but it's not alphabetized. I would, but it's hard to keep it that way when they're scattered across my floor heh.
  11. DJBoxhouse

    Heyo~ How's it going? thanks for the message ;)

    Heyo~ How's it going? thanks for the message ;)
  12. DJBoxhouse

    Philosophy of Life

    I like that way of thought of yours too, very awesome. I'd definitely do acid with you if the chance ever occurred lol. Oh! I know, Sometime in the near future, go to burning man! haha. I'm planning on it eventually, I hear it's an event of events to remember. also, That picture is really...
  13. DJBoxhouse

    How Big Is Your Penis? (Really)

    My penis is the square root of infinity.
  14. DJBoxhouse

    Atheism Thread Revived!: Jesus style

    I've watched, I've seen, I love! haha. Aubrey de Grey says we can avoid aging Julia Sweeney on letting go of God Dan Dennett on our consciousness Some of my more favorite ones.
  15. DJBoxhouse

    crazy stoned idea

  16. DJBoxhouse

    Boy-Girl...please take this thred seriously

    meh, not really. Those are some nice stats you got going for you there though, I'd like to know what reference you got those from. But assuming they are, regardless, even technically it still applies because it doesn't fully refer to homosexuals or bisexuals. Since we aren't assuming that...
  17. DJBoxhouse

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    Spent an hour and a half with another friend climbing random building complexes until we get about 15-16 stories up, on a roof. Bright night out, thousands of stars, the gentle hum of the nightlife nipping at our ears, an ipod and headphones we share, listening to all our favorite tunes...