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  1. DJBoxhouse


    But they are out to get her, there was a memo sent out and everything Padawan. Didn't you read it? O.o
  2. DJBoxhouse

    What is your Zombie contigency plan?

    I wouldn't mind acid, like I stated in my post: Drugs will be the new world currency. What if, say later on somebody wanted acid, horribly rare, it'd be worth a nice bit right there for ya. Personally though, I'm going for all the insulin. Do you know how many diabetic slaves I could harness to...
  3. DJBoxhouse


    Victory to the horde.
  4. DJBoxhouse

    Electronic music

    Okay, I redid this thread because I wasn't happy with how it's working out, hopefully with more structure to it though, things can work out. So EVERYBODY!! ON THE BUS AND FOLLOW ME!!
  5. DJBoxhouse

    Electronic List of Gold

    Ok, the purpose is to post as much gold as you possibly can. It can be any type of electronic music, post as many as you like, just make sure it's structured. We have two choices, you can either post the title of the song: Song Title - Band Like so, and if it does not have a youtube link...
  6. DJBoxhouse


    It looks bad on them, other people may judge them based on the negative rep. Lol, good. Reputation is a direct reflection of character, looks good on em. If they let it bug them, then let'em squirm. Squids are awesome.
  7. DJBoxhouse

    Dj Boxhouse: RIU's top 100 list.

    All night long (origional mix) - Felguk Bring it on (JFK) - Goose (MSTRKRFT remix) Fidgets live in small houses - Cold blank Alex Kenji - Samurai...
  8. DJBoxhouse

    New Michigan Marijuana Magazine Announced

    Hotness. I live in London, but have a lot of ties in Windsor Ontario and Detroit Mich. How would I acquire a copy of this?
  9. DJBoxhouse


  10. DJBoxhouse

    Johnny cash!!

    Haha, tool is awesome though, But I'm glad you're a fan of all those other guys as well. And Johnny cash IS the badass. :joint::mrgreen:
  11. DJBoxhouse

    Fresh grow, can't find clones. - Need seed bank info.

    Quiet day today in this part of RIU.. *starts humming a bit of a song stuck in head from The Wall* Iiiss there annnnyyybooodddy ouut thereeee.... hmmmm hnnmm hmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  12. DJBoxhouse

    How would you run a country?

    Abolish the military, direct the funding to agriculture and regenerative sciences, max my points out on that then branch everything into bioscience and physics. I'd monetize marijuana and other drugs alike via taxes. via government regulation, and I'd reconstruct the already shaudy post...
  13. DJBoxhouse

    I had my first lucid dream last night.

    Hotness, thanks hehe. I've read up about it a few times to be honest, most of that was mentioned. I really appreciate it from your mouth though, reassuring for certain. Any tips from your experience that I should know that I wouldn't typically hear about on your 'average joes' lucid dreaming sites?
  14. DJBoxhouse Estimated Worth $141809.8 USD

    I started growing because of this site, and my friend who's down from India with my help, and of course as byproduct RIU's help, were able to set up a multi plant system for him. He sends his thanks, and I send mine as well. You guys are fucking beautiful! Omega Props to everyone on this thread!
  15. DJBoxhouse

    I'm going crazy

    You live in either detroit or Windsor ontario in Canada, otherwise I'm positive theres jobs for you. Just keep looking! Those two cities are your only excuse, I used to live in both pretty much. Horrible places. Horrible. Seriously though, that's rough, I suffered a similar scene, moved...
  16. DJBoxhouse

    Atheism Thread Revived!: Jesus style

    Come to me, children of carnal knowledge! Bestow upon me your mighty hammers of justice and retribution! I wan't to see for once a constructive Q and A with a Christan who has some sense of mind together about themselves. Enough to able to keep a debate from an argument. Or did you all die long...
  17. DJBoxhouse

    I had my first lucid dream last night.

    Damn, I've always been interested in this! So it really works huh? What's the methods you used to be able to successfully do such a feat? Help a brotha out? lol any constructive tips would be appreciated. ;)
  18. DJBoxhouse


    I know nothing; a principle you will never be able to fully appreciate in the concept of wisdom, be it in yourself or others. I openly express my 'contempt' If that's what we're calling it, not for the 'spiritual' but for you. Any fraction of contempt I have is not for your 'spirituality' but...
  19. DJBoxhouse

    Is bestiality wrong?

    SO no true! I made a post on this earlier lol. Some primates, monkies, penguins and other animals also do it for pleasure and recreation/stress relief and to form stronger bonds. Why, even lions, the males who want to form stronger dominant bonds of there pack will partake in group sex...
  20. DJBoxhouse

    Fresh grow, can't find clones. - Need seed bank info.

    Nice, thanks. I'll try to give that a shot if I don't see any progress by the time I end up making a trip to Toronto. Thank you so much for your feedback! P.s. Props for the name, lol. May his great noodley appendage grant you eternal bliss.