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  1. DJBoxhouse

    new chillum

    Haha, I can only imagine man, props to your chillum!
  2. DJBoxhouse

    The Army.

    That's awesome, I wish you all the luck I can muster or fathom my friend. Living the interesting life Iv'e lived I'm used to working those kinds of hours, then 'studying'. So I'm sure it'll be fine. Way I figure it, I get my equivalence, I have done online demos and gotten in high 90's so It's...
  3. DJBoxhouse

    The Army.

    I'll checkout the navy and Canadian airforce than. See if I can get more answers. I just need to get school shit, I wont go into details but I dropped out of school young, twice. I had to work to feed my sisters and what not, I won't get into details but life for me has been pretty shitty if...
  4. DJBoxhouse


    I would like to expand on this, because sometimes trolling is done effectively in the sense where it's not retarded. Sarcasm in a sense is trolling, especially when the person simply doesn't get it lol. I just hate the retard trolling, I R HAS CHEEZBARGLAR. Or, people who are just plain...
  5. DJBoxhouse

    The Army.

    So true man, thank you.
  6. DJBoxhouse

    things you do high that you not think other people do??

    Yup. It's true in a sense though, endorphins, or to get technical: an endogenous opioid polypeptide compound. and other things that are produced from those types of exercise when you have a reasonable amount of muscle causes a sense of euphoria. I can imagine the pleasure, I've experienced it...
  7. DJBoxhouse

    The Army.

    Yeah, they don't deploy when you're in school from my understanding, as well as that I'd be in school A LOT, lol. I'd want to do something along the lines of engineering or foreign relations. A desk job, I wouldn't want to be infantry, If I'm doing this, It's going to be a career not 'duty.'...
  8. DJBoxhouse

    things you do high that you not think other people do??

    I exercise, Running, urban freeclimbing, biking, weight lifting. I only do it when High. Ever watch Pumping iron - Arnold Schwarzenegger? Working out high, he used to do it all the time, says great things. Makes your body feel fantastic from using your muscles, producing all those delicious...
  9. DJBoxhouse

    new chillum

    Nice find man. I recommended one of those to a fellow earlier. Nice name, chillums are awesome. Fucking brilliant smoke, you don't even feel it until your lungs are completely full lol. Then you get that nice slight burn, fucks you up.
  10. DJBoxhouse

    World prices for cannabis

    I wouldn't. My friend spent two years there on exchange, the social stigma is heave for it there. It's considered lazy and dishonorable, you're horribly looked down upon as a social outcast by most of your peers, co-workers and other society members. Nobody does it, that's why it's...
  11. DJBoxhouse

    The Army.

    I don't have any close family, this is purely my own move. I can't pay for university and have an extremely strong passion and desire for a greater education. They're willing to provide this to me, plus a job while in school and outside of it. I'm just worried...I'm kind of scared of committing...
  12. DJBoxhouse

    New from Toronto, Ontario

    Welcome mate! I used to live in the greater T when I was younger, I'm in London atm! You guys have some nice vapor lounges haha. Welcome to RIU though, props to you it's a nice first grow.
  13. DJBoxhouse

    The Army.

    O-hi, Who here, show of hands is in the army? I have some questions about it. I don't care if you're in America or Canada, I have a duel citizenship, but they're pretty much the same for all practical purposes. So, please: HOLLAH AT MAH!
  14. DJBoxhouse

    what movies are you watching?

    Snatch~ So good.
  15. DJBoxhouse

    can weed enhance our senses?(the 1s that shouldn't be normal)

    Happens on acid and shrooms and other psychedelic drugs as well. slight distortion of how you perceive things. especially within time moreso then the deterioration of the ego, at least when pot is involved. Time dilation though, now that's interesting! Time doesn't exist as you perceive it, it's...
  16. DJBoxhouse

    Old Hippies Never Die

    I want to grow my beard out too, but I'm considering joining the military. I cant pay for school and due to specific events in my life cannot afford to go to school for what I want. Apparently they offer to pay for most of my schooling, offer me a job while in and after, and I can go for...
  17. DJBoxhouse

    Old Hippies Never Die

    Lol, that's awesome! My grandma is I think 87. So I was close, ; ) I bet they had kids late because they got high and forgot about it too! haha.
  18. DJBoxhouse

    Travelling / Flying With Cannabis ( Do you??)

    If I ever fly with pot, it's busted up, put tight in a bag, knotted into a condom and snuggles my prostate like a pillow.
  19. DJBoxhouse

    Atheism Thread Revived!: Jesus style

    I don't think they exist anymore, all that's left of the corpses of the wise, the philosophers of the what they now call 'soul' are prostrating fools and spiritual prostitutes whoring out there quick fix scriptures, sticking to tradition and dogma, rather than love and enlightenment through...
  20. DJBoxhouse

    Head And Dank

    I didn't say anything with intent to mean anything else, that was the joke I thought Flynlow. heh.