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  1. B

    My first attempt at growing

    no data, just opinion... i dont like the idea of using chemicals to flush and dont really see a benefit to using them... back when i ran a real op i used to just water with, er, water to flush but one of my collaborators didnt bother flushing at all... he hit with full strength nutes all the way...
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    My First grow

    the plants dont like triple digits for temps, but they grow fine in them... perfect world versus reality ;) it aint like they will burst into flames at anything over 85 F.
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    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    i am testing that myself... unfortunately, those were the sprouts i forgot about and only one of them survived, so i wont have any real data this time... but it is something i am trying. if it is right, the one i did get to grow (and grow nicely it is) should be female. to me, having done it...
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    My first attempt at growing

    i would flush with just water to start... this way, you will have a baseline for results and can see if the chemical types actually help or hurt.
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    Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL

    thanks for the Bic pic, Monkee! yeah, that plant is larger than i thought. very good work!
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    My first attempt at growing

    bubble bitches BAHAHAHAHAHA!
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    6 150w cfls

    how are those working out for you? i wonder about the light spectrums they use as compared to the specific grow lights.
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    6 150w cfls

    at Home Depot you can find smaller HID's (both HPS and MH) if you know where to look.... the term is "security lighting" ;)
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    Question about the boys outside.

    for the record, i didnt think you were being a "douche" by correcting my speaking inacurrately.
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    Female :)

    looks female to me :D
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    Question about the boys outside.

    and thanks for digging up your evidence :)
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    Question about the boys outside.

    i didnt know for sure if they do or dont... but the point is, SOMEHOW the pollen gets around for a long distance.
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    Question about the boys outside.

    amazingly far. when i grew outdoors i had 70 acres, culled all males/hermies, am pretty sure no one was growing on my property or on any of the acreage around mine and most all my plants still seeded up. bees, breeze and the like will make for some long range for the pollen.
  14. B

    Puzzled by the seeds I got from Nirvana

    or e-ban you ;) just think how you would feel if you had a stoned moment and asked a question that seemed irrelevant and some one called you a narc.... heavy word. oh, and i think SeattlePot did e-bitchslap you.
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    My First grow

    i couldnt make a guess on if that would be enough air replacement to cool your tank... only one way to know for sure ;)
  16. B

    Anyone ?

    guess we sorta agree after all :)
  17. B

    My First grow

    put a bigger exhaust fan on it... bigger as in more CFM. cycle the air faster and it wont have a chance to get hot.
  18. B

    one leaf?

    bury it deeper.
  19. B

    one leaf?

    yeah, the freakiest plants can become REAL surprising
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    Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

    i bought her a house, you have NO idea :o