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  1. dfhrace

    Flordia Bud

    Well I'm sitting in the airport waiting to board my plane for Orlando, I'm going down to Disney World with my family for the week. I was just trying to get an idea of what strains are going through the orlando area now and what the prices are going to be like if anybody can help thatll be cool...
  2. dfhrace

    Pumpkin bong contest!!

    hell yes that sounds sweet!
  3. dfhrace

    Pumpkin bong contest!!

    hahaha...that is sweet i cant wait until the summer when watermelons are back in season so i can make a sweet bong....ive got it all designed just waiting.... did you make this or did you find it on the interwebs?
  4. dfhrace

    What is your favorite Woodstock . . .

    i love the entire Who performance with them starting at like 4am but who cares they still played a crazy show!
  5. dfhrace


    I dont know how many of you are familiar with the web site called but its an internet radio site that plays song that sound like music or artists that you like. For instance I have a radio station called "Phish" radio so not only will it play Phish songs but any song that...
  6. dfhrace

    Ares Rocket launch

    it was supposed to launch yesterday at like 10 am but because the window for nice weather was too small they scrubbed it. im excited to see this go up!
  7. dfhrace

    Sour Diesel for expencive, or keep toking what I got?

    if you can get sour d for $380 an o thats good its like $420 here
  8. dfhrace

    So you like music? the middle of a sweet jam....i think its You Enjoy Myself but im too high to to get up lol
  9. dfhrace

    My Last Puff......

    ill keep that in mind i guess lol....anyway yeah the last two puffs knocked me on my ass! they were so smooth too....bye....bye *cracks open beer* lol
  10. dfhrace

    My Last Puff......

    thanks man im not looking forward to it, i just finished the grav (got two b-e-a-utiful milky white hits) and i just keep thinking....damn i gotta find a hobby for the next month lol
  11. dfhrace

    My Last Puff......

    i wish i could grow in the first place lol but im still in college living at home and the moms not too cool with me puffin but she knows im safe with it. and $315 an ounce? of what? around here its like $400-$420 ounce for normal run of the mill headdies
  12. dfhrace

    My Last Puff......

    a couple of reasons, the biggest being money. i started out just thinking i should cut back but the more and more i thought about it i cant remember the last time i took more than a couple days from smoking so i guess i also want to prove to myself that i can do it. so i figured im going to...
  13. dfhrace

    My Last Puff......

    well i have made the decision that im going to stop puffing the cron for a bit...unlike a lot of you on this site i cannot grow at the moment so im stuck buying, and that sucks $65/8th! but anyway i puffed the last bit of my bud with the woman last night, and now i finished cleaning out my...
  14. dfhrace

    what is the best portable vap?

    check out the vapir site if you go into accessories they have a car charger for the O2 mini...that also comes with a battery pack which will give you about 4 uses before it needs to be re-charged
  15. dfhrace

    what is the best portable vap?

    i have the vapir o2 and it works great!
  16. dfhrace

    Pumpkin bong contest!!

    the hot glue just didnt work because as i pulled air in through the hose the plastic that was glued on the outside sucked in and the hot glue just fell off the skin of the pumpkin :wall:
  17. dfhrace

    Who else . . .

    i love that makes me wish i could have a robot co-worker lol
  18. dfhrace

    If you could start this country over....

    im not saying we need a new govt i was asking if you could change the way our govt is now would you and what would you do......but we really need to start holding our public servants accountable. get rid of those jack-ass lobbyists who are really running the country and give it back to the...
  19. dfhrace

    If you could start this country over....

    i know thats why i like it but thats what happens when history isnt taught well in school people forget why this country was founded and the principles this country was founded upon and when i look around and see all this control it makes me sick....i bet George Washington, and Tom Jefferson are...
  20. dfhrace

    Healthcare reform-Do we really want the government screwing this up too?

    well you tell me another way to look at it, we fuck up and the govt will come and save us....where else has this happened.... OH YA BANKS AND CARS. both of them fucked up and who came to save them....mommy government. Now the health care system isnt really messed up its the people who are...