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  1. K

    Off color...

    None of the plant nurseries around me have fox farm... what is another good brand of fertilizer???
  2. K

    Off color...

    Everything looks good, my babies are 3 weeks old, and I know at least 2 of them are females... all of the top leaves are growing wonderfully... the only problem is the very bottom leave set turned yellow, and almost looks like those leaves are dying, but none of the rest are, I dont...
  3. K


    what are the best ways to give your plant more nitrogen???
  4. K

    Hydro System

    I believe he tried to find a clone first but couldn't... thats why he just started from the beginning... But, would it work better for him to just grow out the ones in soil then get a clone off of that and then start using the hydro system?
  5. K

    Hydro System

    My friend went out and acquired a General Hydroponic system... It looks like it should work out well, but I was wondering if anyone used one of these and how well they work, and... he has his plants growing in soil right now, when should he transplant them into the hydro system?? thanks people
  6. K


    Can anyone tell me how to get rid of spidermites???? I need the best way without harming the plants at all... please help
  7. K

    I need help

    I believe I have a Spidermite problem... very very small white, kinda yellowish bugs... I need to know how to get rid of them without doing any harm to the plants... please help
  8. K

    Help me please

    Ok, I believe I have spidermites... very very small white, kinda yellowish bugs... they aren't crawling on the plants at all, just in the soil... so what is the fastest and safest way to get rid of them without harming the plant???
  9. K

    Small Bugs

    What should I do if I get very very small white, slow moving bugs, in my soil...just planted, still in dixie cups... help, please