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  1. uriah

    What strain am I

    calibrated my ph meter last week it was .6 off so instead of watering at 6.4 I was watering at 7. Flushed with 6.4 water I was worried about possible lock out, do you think I dropped too much to fast? All plants seem to be fine. Hearty stalks, new growth, no spotting.
  2. uriah

    What strain am I

    My first indoor grow, I had 18 seeds in a mint tin that I had collected. All 18 germinated. Looking for some help identifying this strain, she has three sisters. all doing well she is 18" across 7" high. I was thinking mango but not as familiar with it as other strains. Thx
  3. uriah

    Flying with personal smoke

    My gf is flying out this week and wants to take some personal smoke with her. Less than an 8th. She is determined to take it. Suggestions on packing it.
  4. uriah

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    great reading
  5. uriah

    There gone allll gone

    To understand Killer, you have to know the history of Killer.
  6. uriah

    Your weapon of choice?

    .22 are dangerous because you can get shot in the knee and the bullet end up in your lung.
  7. uriah

    Adjusting the PH levels of your soil

    what is a good way to test the accuracy of your soil ph meter? I'm sure it was with the original packaging but that is long gone.
  8. uriah

    Your weapon of choice?

    To understand Killer, first you have to know the history of killer!
  9. uriah

    lots of help needed

    Nice work!
  10. uriah


    enough said. thanks
  11. uriah


    thank you, thank you, thank you +rep
  12. uriah


    No this is a house I own that due to the rental market in my city I can not rent out. So I have "leased" it to "someone" for my personal use.
  13. uriah

    what the f*ckkkkkkk is with the paper towel stuff lol

    I usually pull the netting off, I have let them go until roots exposed throught the netting as well before transplant. but I will keep an eye on the ph. but i'm growing in promix with biodynamic compost added. It's a moss mix so maybe that has helped keep my ph stable. thanks for the heads up.
  14. uriah


    sorry bout the quality of pic camera phone
  15. uriah


    thanks. i'm going to try and up load a pic maybe it will better help illustrate the dellima in this room.
  16. uriah


    looks like I'm off to rework a room. I guess I should feel pretty happy that this is my first snag.
  17. uriah

    What to do with alot of hashplant

    I imagine he harvested too early or didn't flush. The hash plant I've smoked has never been noticably harsher. use it as blunt weed. or freeze it and keef it for hash then use the green for butter.
  18. uriah

    what the f*ckkkkkkk is with the paper towel stuff lol

    I recently switched to peat pellets and humidity dome. I was die hard paper towel. I like the peat pellets because as soon as you see sprout you can transplant the whole thing.
  19. uriah


    are you smelling it outside? I'm not worried about the smell in the house. noone will be inside it but me and my dogs.
  20. uriah


    It's more than just hooking up to my fan because of where my fan is I will have to move it. not enough room to get the filter between it and the wall then I'm completly reducting the room is the situation it wil put me in. And yes carbon filter is obvious I stated that, I was asking for options...