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  1. uriah

    This is where legends come from.

    Yeah I already got my system up and going, I wish I had seen your post first. My bother wants me to help him get started. So I showed him your system and we are putting his budget together now. Your right about the local hydro store though I got most everything from them because I wanted new...
  2. uriah


    I'm looking for ideas on combating smell. I'm growing in a rental unit I own and have not been able to lease in an older urban part of the city I live in. I have a veg and bloom room. I'm currently venting both into enclose porches at the front and rear of the house. everything is sealed up...
  3. uriah

    This is where legends come from.

    I just moved inside for my first indoor grow. I'm going for a two room perpetual harvest. and realize how fast you can fly through a budget even when you think you had room to spare. lol Thanks, and I don't think I would ever buy used bulbs. Again great post and work. +rep
  4. uriah

    This is where legends come from.

    Amazing! Thank you for such an informed journal. Do you have an estimate on total cost thus far. My brother is wanting to convert some cellar space and wondering what kind of budget we need to prepare for. Truely inspirational!
  5. uriah

    Do You Play Disc Golf?

    I love disc golf, I usually play with three disc in the winter, (driver, mid range, and putter. Spring, summer, and fall I play with an ultimate disc only just because of the different feel of the disc and it's when I'm playing league, and competitive ultimate. I try to play at least twice a...
  6. uriah

    neighbors have caught me!!!!

    Not sure where you are, but in NC all it takes is an anonomous call from a neighbor that there is a possible B&E, domestic violence, screams, someone being held against their will, child abuse and the police will check it out. At which point they can find/manufacture probible cause and find a...
  7. uriah

    how long after topping?

    Nice! looks well on it's way to being a bush!
  8. uriah

    Guys Buying Girls Drinks

    I can't say I have ever bought a girl a drink as an opener, I have always been happy to get the next round, or even buying a round for a group I have met and feel like entertaining one of the flock. Usually after some kind of connection/sign of interest is made. To me, "can I buy you a drink"...
  9. uriah

    400 watt Mh/Hps: Grow on a Budget: A Beginner's Reference

    Jb30 great thread! Very informative and you are so positive with any criticism. Was really interested in seeing the final result of the 12/12 from seed. I'm just making the switch to my first indoor grow and like you I am planning on doing a lot of experimenting. Thanks for the inspiration, and...
  10. uriah

    1st indoor grow

    I'm using well water with a high sulphur smell, i have been oxidizing for 24 hrs. Is it even neccesary, and should I keep an eye out for something specific. i'm also using seprate grow/bloom rooms just moved 25 plants to 12/12 all 25 are coming from seed, how long before I should expect to...