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  1. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    In the long run i think ill be happy :D and exactly what do you mean recovering what is it recovering from? o.O
  2. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Well I'm only growing 1 strain and thats sour diesel i lsted it but i took out the twisty ties becuase some guy told me i did it wrong so i just said screw it , I have a great feeling that im gonna yield a half ounce to an ounce this time i just have that feeling! my light is hitting the bottom...
  3. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Also my plant is LOOKING A LOT BETTER then what it did thanks to all the folks on here that helped me through this
  4. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Holy fucking shit! that's better then what my friend is growing and they use t5's for veg and 1000 watt hps with great ventilation and with all the proper grow equip! very nice sir i just took out my cfls and put in my 600w HPS the temp says is 84 degrees and the humidity is 30% is that good or...
  5. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Ah very nice! so its basically 2 in 1 haha awsome im definetly going to look into a air cooler! so much helpful info thanks guys
  6. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    HOLY crap! you grow is 100000x better then mine just way to pricey for me. I heard you can get very good yeilds for cheap so i decided to go that route but it still leads me into a shit grow ): i mean im satisfied with a quarter ounce weed is weed but i would def like to at least get an ounce or...
  7. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Hmm well once i buy the fan ill put it to where it shoots out the heat out of my closet and (my grammar is getting shitty to just ignore it haha) alright sounds good ill worry bout the temp first i think my closet is to small for the hps but idk that what i think i mean it fits and everything...
  8. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    So a water cooler is better then a humidifer? if you dont mind explain what the water cooler do
  9. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    -what lights do you veg with? -what soil are you using? -what nutrients are you using?
  10. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    thats weird i saw a humidifier at home depot for like 20 bucks maybe its shit
  11. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Oh hell yes! thank you guys +rep for u what ever that does haha so other then the PH what should i do with the temp? I was thinking about getting an osculating fan if i spelled that right lol. i did see a humidifier should i get that over the fan?
  12. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    No No he got an ounce and a quarter off 1 plant and yes my friend does live in michigan and that's awsome i didn't kno that they had that type of soil in michigan that's probably why he wasnt using nutes. And he always goes on this site haha he actually got me into it he told me since i had a...
  13. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Awsome thanks sir! i got 1 question tho and it might be a dumb question lol i don't own a Debit card/credit card would i be able to purchase it with a prepaid card? o.O
  14. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Thanks man. Also i got a question i get my clones from michigan are you from there? also 1 more thing the strain i got was from a friend and he used NO nutes what so ever and had a beautiful yeild i think it was an ounce and a quarter so i was wondering why the hell does his grow turn out better...
  15. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Ah thank you! Where i live there are hardly grow store around me im like in a deserted place kinda haha but anyways i live close to home depot and they only own the ph soil meter and not the ph pen soo idk what to do i should just get another quarter ounce i guess ): until i get enough money for...
  16. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    that's what i own the PH UP and PH DOWN but the guy at the hydro store told me their not acurate for the nutes he gave me he said their dark in color so if i did the ph solution he said the color would be diffrent but im deffinetly gonna buy the ph strips cuz those are cheap and i think they...
  17. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Actually that was the temp in my closet it was usually 81-85 degrees exactly also im sorry for the misunderstanding i didn't mean it like I demand you guys to help me i do apologize and i am very thankful for the info you gave me. I just see hundreds of people looking at this post and not replying.
  18. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Thanks again! I would also like to apologize to you for my behavior. Anyways I have the ph tester kit with the solution but i don't own a PH pen i can't find a cheap one anywhere the hydro store sells them for 100 dollars and my budget is a little tight right now. He also told me the ph tester...
  19. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ): these are the strength of my nutrients also
  20. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Thanks, see was that so hard? i mean you don't have to be an ass for a beginner all i wanted to kno is how you guys get nice buds thanks again and i will keep that it mind. Once i do start flower it gets VERY warm in my grow closet but the humidty says its at an ok level for plants