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  1. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    also id like to thank you for ur advice the ph for my nutrients says it should be 5.8-6.2 for veg and for flower it should be 6.2-6.8
  2. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Yes indeed i don't have good ventilation im growing in my closet i use a 6'' fan and a ac unit but i disagree on getting rid of it cuz regardless ill get weed out of it whether its a quarter ounce or less but i will get that in mind for my next grow
  3. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    I don't see how that's funny it was my first time growing. Once again quit trollin on this page.
  4. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Exactly so why r u commenting still? And don't call me "kid" cuz im not a kid anymore. So just leave, dont comment back, especially if has nothing to do with the post. and seek your own way fella
  5. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Exactly what does that explain? Inform me please.
  6. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    then stop commenting matter a fact it goes for everyone thats being ignorant..... And to all those people that did help thank you so much it means a lot. And i don't need you to believe me that the hydro store gave me all the free stuff thats your decision because in reality i kno that he did...
  7. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    that made me Lol'd right there. im not typing a fucking resume to you so no need to correct on spelling and you sound dumb as fuck really if u are in ur 20's or 30's or 40's or like i said ur 50's then thats sad. But anyways back on the point with the hydro store he def wasnt trying to make me...
  8. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Gotcha thanks man also i already topped my plants they are starting to get bushier at the nodes i don't see the top growing back tho it's only been 3 days tho so idk if thats a good thing or a bad thing lol
  9. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Only attitude is going to you and all the other jackass out there and yea im not 50 years old masterbaiting in my mommies and daddies home like u
  10. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    The guy at the hydro store told me he grows he told me he had like 10 difffrent strains and yeilded 2-3 ounces per plant. ima tell you what happened im new to the area and i was looking for some soil so i look online and found this hydro store literally 5 mins away from me so i called them to...
  11. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    The fuck? no attitude problem like i mentioned earlier, Second "like the RIU community owes him something." The only thing they are giving me is info It's not like their giving me money or shit for my grow op so you can lick my nuts. And last maybe if you read back to some of the comments you...
  12. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    yea im ignoring that guy/girl 2 he/she getting on my nerves x_____x
  13. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    My ballast isnt an HPS/MH it's only for HPS and im soo sick an tired of people telling me my soil, my nutes, temp, humidty i mean fuck i know this already! i got good soil i bought 95% of my shit from a hydro store and they gave me alot of info. I already got good organic nutes. (Not trying to...
  14. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Oh no thank you. It's gotta be to late for me to do it im takin the strings out right now thanks for letting me kno thats what this post was all about yet 60% of the people that commented where ignorant thank you soo much
  15. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    the reason my branches are so far apart is becuase i LST them if i didnt lst then they would be really close to each other thats why i lst cuz the bottom ones where getting light but eveer since i lst i see the bottom nodes getting bigger
  16. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Oh i got acu. Rite indoor humidty/ temp monitor i also have chart for my nutes as well im gonna put a fan on it cuz my closet has no ventalation
  17. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    I understand that.... I'm using all oraganic nutes the temp is not hot or cold in my grow room and its not humid either should i put a fan over my plants cuz i usually put my fan once i start flower
  18. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Hmm well im using all oraganic nutes i dont have a fan going on my plant right now i did it for flower so maybe i should but a fan over my plant or what? what do you think i need to do to change this and make it better?
  19. I

    Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):

    Well the reason i LST it was so i can try to get a better yeild like i said my last grow only yeilded a quarter ounce and i was trying to get a higher yeild