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  1. TheMystified420

    Here is how we will legalize marijuana in all 50 states within 2 years.

    I think prices would drop if they would just get rid of plant counts. Limiting how much people can grow limits the supply, therefore keeping prices high. If it was like a free for all, there would be more quantity, and prices would drop. Just like in Colorado, they probably wouldn't have run out...
  2. TheMystified420

    Here is how we will legalize marijuana in all 50 states within 2 years.

    That would be great if prices dropped to $50/oz, much better than the $400+ it is around here, lol.
  3. TheMystified420

    Why is marijuana a "Gateway Drug"?

    I started with alcohol, so weed wasn't exactly the gateway drug for me. But the reason I ended up trying lsd and shrooms when I was younger was because weed isn't that strong, and I wanted to get really 'fucked up'. So for me, the gateway theory is that when people start with marijuana, they go...
  4. TheMystified420

    Quickest way to get Marijuana Legal in your state -Flame suit on

    I wouldn't have any problems if it was legal to grow and possess, but illegal to sell. I'm not interested in making money off of it, I would just like to be able to grow and smoke as much as I want without worrying about getting arrested. If everyone was allowed to grow, without any plant count...
  5. TheMystified420

    Obama says Weed is no more harmful than Alchohol

    Personally, I wish there was no limits on how much we could grow and have. I just think it would be nice to either have a choice of growing a few plants year round, or growing a shitload for a season so you wouldn't have to grow for a while.
  6. TheMystified420

    Buck's Bogart: This is illegal

    I don't see how it can be racially targeted when plenty of other races wear them like that too. I think it just looks gross myself, I don't really care to see another dudes underwear hanging out. Whether it should actually be a law though, I think that's a little extreme.
  7. TheMystified420

    Best Indoor Strains??

    I was looking for something that I could clone with. So probably anything but auto's would be ok I think. That's what I've been reading too, I hear he has a really good Blueberry. There are so many others out there now too, makes it so hard to choose! lol
  8. TheMystified420

    Best Indoor Strains??

    Thanks everyone, you've all given me lots of strains to think about, I love it :) I've only had Blueberry once, and so far that is my favorite tasting. I will have to check out some seed sites and read up on all the other suggestions you guys gave me.
  9. TheMystified420

    Best Indoor Strains??

    Hey guys. Any recommendations for quick flowering, potent strains? I have a small space, so looking for something quick, and strong. I had some sour diesel, but the flower time was a little long for the small space I have. Anything in the 8-10 week flowering time would be great :)
  10. TheMystified420

    Perpetual harvest, lighting question..

    Lots of great tips guys, I really appreciate the help :) The perpetual sounds like the way I would like to go. Then if I do run out of smoke, I would only have to wait a week or so for another harvest. If I tried growing 1 or 2 big ones, then I might have to go longer if I ran out. Only thing...
  11. TheMystified420

    Soul Diesel Help Milky ? Or Milky and amber

    I'm curious, how long has it been flowering for? My buddy is trying this strain, and his seems to be taking forever.
  12. TheMystified420

    why unsalted butter

    And about the unsalted butter thing, I think it's also to help give you control over how much salt you want in your recipe. Like one of the other guys said, you can always add..but you can't take away.
  13. TheMystified420

    why unsalted butter

    I have to admit I've never tried a vegan cupcake before, but I think I could be converted after looking at those, lol.
  14. TheMystified420

    why unsalted butter

    Omg Sunni, those look delicious! :) What flavor are they? You sure do a great job on that frosting, much better than the glob I end up with, lol.
  15. TheMystified420

    Any sludge heads?

    Kirk sure does write some badass riffs, they get so addicting! lol
  16. TheMystified420

    Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

    Gorguts new stuff, and for me was well worth the wait :)
  17. TheMystified420

    Any sludge heads?

    Great Crowbar song Green, my favorite Crowbar song! That whole album is awesome, been listening to it for years :) "Take me, feel my pain. Feel me, take my pain."
  18. TheMystified420

    very sick plant

    I'm definitely not a pro, so my opinion is about useless. But to me it looks like overwatering, but I'm a noob so I could be way off, lol.
  19. TheMystified420

    Is there something wrong with this bud?

    Sadly it still looks better than most of the crap in my area, lol.
  20. TheMystified420

    Perpetual harvest, lighting question..

    I've only got a 400w, which was why I was curious about the stretching. Easy enough to prop them up onto something though, so no biggie :) Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.