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  1. Rob420Herbs

    Are these seeds on my buds?

    Hey guys this is my first grow and I'm freaking out! I'm on day 27 of 12/12 Are these seeds forming on my buds? Plucked two off to get better pics. If so what do I do? It's my only plant.
  2. Rob420Herbs

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Hey Hash. I'm not sure if it is cause of do much stress, crappy light or the genetics or all e but my plant stretched maybe 3-4 inches max. She's only 17 inches tall at this point. Yield is likely gonna be crap but this was just a run to "get my feet wet" anyway. Cheers
  3. Rob420Herbs

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Looking good man. How did transplant of the green crack go, roots hit bottom n look good? Here's a few pics of mine on day 27 of 12/12. I'm thinking there growing pretty slow. But I could be wrong. It's my first grow. Cheers
  4. Rob420Herbs

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Don't want to thread jack. Just thought I'd drop some pics of mine at day 24 of 12/12. Cheers
  5. Rob420Herbs

    Hmmm would it work??

    Hey guys, attached is a spec sheet of a led light that I can get relatively cheap as I know someone that works there. Its 100% industrial but should it not work and work very well? Thinking on trying 2 of them next grow.
  6. Rob420Herbs

    Indoor Nug Shots!

    GDP week 3 of 12/12
  7. Rob420Herbs

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    I topped mine. First time ever. Worked out great!
  8. Rob420Herbs

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    My GDP today. Is that frost and purple i see?
  9. Rob420Herbs

    Should they be this small?

    Perfect. Ya got me worried for a sec.
  10. Rob420Herbs

    Should they be this small?

    Yea i feed it GH calmag. Bottle says 1ml per liter so thats what i feed her. Should it be more? And just so i know, what leads you to think shes lacking calmag?
  11. Rob420Herbs

    Should they be this small?

    Thanks for the reply. Think i should do i light defoliation?
  12. Rob420Herbs

    Should they be this small?

    Hey guys. Day 19 of 12/12. Should the buds be this small still? Will they eventually grow together? She had a rough childhood so thats why its only 17 inches tall.
  13. Rob420Herbs


    Givin the soon "legalization" in Canada, what benifit does this program have to offer?
  14. Rob420Herbs


    What is all this? I need info
  15. Rob420Herbs

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Me personally, id take the tent down for the inspection. Why chance it. Your girls are young enough that they should be fine. Maybe put them in a kitchen cubbord or something. Either way, best of luck to ya. Heres what im told is GDP at third week day 3 of 12/12.
  16. Rob420Herbs

    Things are starting to happen...

    Here we are at day 13 of 12/12 , 16ish inches tall. Thoughts? Advice? Cheers.
  17. Rob420Herbs

    Diy cob diy advice.

    Probably samsung
  18. Rob420Herbs

    Diy cob diy advice.

    Over cobs?
  19. Rob420Herbs

    Diy cob diy advice.

    Sorry my computer clearly glitched out.