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  1. Rob420Herbs

    Need a new light. Advice??

    Hey all. So found out today that my $449.99 led grow light aint worth its weight. Id like to know what the people have to say on which kind of light i should go with. And what brand. It will be in a 2x4x5 tent so fairly limited on space. And more so limited on funds as i didnt expect to be...
  2. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

    These HLG lights. It looks as tho you have to build them. Im really no good with wires and electricity. They hard to build?
  3. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

    Being like 3 months old i dont think i can return it. Pretty bummed out right now. :(
  4. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

    I paied rught around 500 canadian :( and sadly my budget for a new light right now is non existant. My goals are to grow 2 nice yeilding plants for personal medication. The light is being used in a 2x4x5 grow tent.
  5. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

    Funny you say that. My plant is like 15 inches tall and in 12 day of flower. So your pretty much on the money with height. Hes a pic of a flower as of 20 min ago. Should it be bigger by now?
  6. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

    Well thats nice. A guy in his first grow looking for advice and all people can do is try not to laugh?.
  7. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

  8. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

    What is it about this thight that makes it crap? I payed a fair amount of bread for it.
  9. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

    Is that a funny or???
  10. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

    Sorry for the sideways pics.
  11. Rob420Herbs

    Anyone use this led?

    Hey guys im in my first grow and got everything from my local shop. Just curious if anyone has used this brand of light or could offer some educated opinion on it as ive read that some leds are not as good as others. Thanks.
  12. Rob420Herbs

    Led heat/fan size.

    What sized exhaust fan would be ideal with a 2x4x5 tent and a 300w led? I have a 176cfm exhaust fan but recently thinking it may not be enough. Should i expect my exhaust fan to exhaust pretty much all of the heat in my tent created from a 300led?
  13. Rob420Herbs

    What to do?

    Did a little test this evening as its a nice 17° out after weeks of ignorant heat. With Led lights on i opened the garage doors and turned my massive pedistool shop fan on to suck/blow that beautiful 17° air. Into the garage. Note: my garage is 2 cars wide and 2 cars deep. Starting at 30°...
  14. Rob420Herbs

    What to do?

    I was thinking my 176cfm fan was plenty as its only a 2x4x5 tent and the walls do suck in. My garage temps are slightly lower but not by much. And i cant move it inside the house as i dont have any room for it and my wife would have a fit if i even tried.
  15. Rob420Herbs

    This lady look healthy to you?

    Like height room or root room?
  16. Rob420Herbs

    What to do?

    My bedroom is over my garage so thats no a option either. My house is a side split and therfore 1 side of the garage is attached to the house and above my garage are the bedrooms. I have no windows in my garage and no doors other than the 2 big garage doors. The tent is at the opposite end of...
  17. Rob420Herbs

    What to do?

    Sadly, i am unable to bring in air from outside or send it out either. My tent is in my garage and cutting holes through my concrete and brick wall is simply not a option. Ill try to add another fan and see if that helps.
  18. Rob420Herbs

    What to do?

    Thanks for the reply. Would/could that not up my RH?
  19. Rob420Herbs

    What to do?

    My lights do run at night and honestly if i move any more air the world might explode!
  20. Rob420Herbs

    What to do?

    Ok guys i know this toppic has been beat like a dead horse but i feel my situation is a bit different. I have a 2×4x5 grow tent with 4 3g smart pots that pretty much take up all usable floor space. The tent is in the corner of my unheated un airconditioned garage. My humidity pretty much...