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  1. speedwell68

    Lost Everything to Fungus

    Bummer. I have stopped buying soil from garden centres, or anywhere that stores it outside. I was forever getting fungus gnats. I have swapped over to Plant !T Pro from Amazon. It is dry stored and is delivered dry. It pisses me off that I keep the inside of my tent and all of my kit...
  2. speedwell68


    Yep, the paranoia comes from within. Weed only amplifies what is already there. My mate can only smoke in a "safe space", he gets paranoia which leads to panic attacks. I have truthfully never had a bad experience in 30 odd years of drug taking.
  3. speedwell68


    I remember that back in the day. Well actually I can't remember, I had a load of that walked outside and the next thing I know it is 4am and I am feasting on cheese cake.:D
  4. speedwell68

    Analog timer overheating

    I use 10amp/2400w Smartlife or Sonoff smart switches. I have had so many mechanical timers fail on me down the years.
  5. speedwell68


    I don't really count anymore, they are done when they look done.
  6. speedwell68

    When to defoliate?

    I have always defoliated right before I flip the switch for 12/12. By defoliation I mean a selective removal of any large fan leaves that are blocking light from potential bud sites. I don't mean a total stripping of the plant. I notice some people defoliate in the early stages of flowering...
  7. speedwell68

    How are they looking ?

    In contrast, my water is 23ppm, CalMag is most certainly needed. But only a small dose a key times. I am of the opinion people give way too much CalMag, which in turn causes other issues.
  8. speedwell68

    Flushing before harvest is Bro Science!

    I have been mixing my own calmag for a while now. I have always used calcium chloride, I didn't see the point in the extra nitrogen you get with ready made calmag.
  9. speedwell68

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    For reference I have TS1000s at 28" and when they are that size I run at about 30%. Now they are coming up to go flower they are at 50%.
  10. speedwell68

    Switch to 12/12

    It is more like this...
  11. speedwell68

    Switch to 12/12

    If an asteroid struck the Earth now 3 forms of life will survive. Keith Richards, Cockroaches and Cannabis plants, you won't kill it by topping.
  12. speedwell68


    Got any info about your grow?
  13. speedwell68

    My plants are dying, please help.

    Not so much a scam, but you are paying a lot for the name and the packaging. Cannabis specific brands always have some kind of cartoon character and a fancy label, that shit costs money. I buy Epsom Salts from a local home hardware store, it is £2 for about 5 years worth. They also encourage...
  14. speedwell68

    What kind of buds will be produced!

    More like 453.592g.
  15. speedwell68

    Led went bang at the plug

    I get that it protects the cable. These days it is virtually impossible to overload anything as all appliances come with a sealed double insulated plug. The only way it can fuck up is if someone swaps out the fuse for the wrong size. I am an old sod, when I was a kid, Boys, not Girls, were...
  16. speedwell68

    My plants are dying, please help.

    My mate is a Chemist. He found the concept of pre-mixed calmag hilarious. He considers a way of maintaining a healthy balance between the rich, stupid and/or lazy. He showed me how to mix my own using Epsom salt and calcium chloride. Then we worked out a schedule/ratio we could give it at...
  17. speedwell68

    Led went bang at the plug

    Americans don't. Their electrical system is fucking lethal. In the UK double insulated fused plugs have been mandatory for decades. There was one on here the other day, all his cables had melted and I said I would be worried why the fuse didn't blow. To be told that there was no fuse and...
  18. speedwell68

    Fungus gnats/ sciarid flys. What should I do

    Bottom water if you can, it allows the surface of the medium to dry out and they aren't keen on that. After that treat the soil with Nematodes. After repeated fungus gnat infestations I have taken to buying my soil direct from Amazon. They keep it indoors and dry, so it doesn't become a...
  19. speedwell68

    My plants are dying, please help.

    In the UK there is a fertiliser called Tomorite. It is a general purpose plant food. Most gardening TV shows suggest it's use, for anything. If you go on the UK groups it is sneered at for Cannabis, same argument as Mr. MiracleGro up there. Yet I have been growing weed with it for years...
  20. speedwell68

    My plants are dying, please help.

    I'm not a fan of Miracle Gro, I have never used it. But to suggest that it is full of chemicals that will be absorbed by the body and cause harm when smoked is utter crap. You are just repeating shit you have read on the internet as if it were fact. Miracle Gro is just the same as any other...