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  1. speedwell68

    Brown/purplish markings on seedling and transplants?

    You could at the very least boil the water, that will kill any nasties.
  2. speedwell68

    Droopy plants

    Awesome, now lets see what happens. Remember, the already damaged leaves might not recover, it is the new growth you need to keep an eye on.
  3. speedwell68

    Droopy plants

    All I know is that if I plug mine into a watt meter and turn them down the watts drop accordingly. I notice the difference in my bills.
  4. speedwell68

    Weird leaves

    I'd get rid of all of those dead/dying leaves, they will cause mould/bud rot.
  5. speedwell68

    Brown/purplish markings on seedling and transplants?

    I wouldn't give a seedling like that anything for at least the time it said on the soil. I bet your tap water is perfectly safe for plant use. Bacteria that will kill a human won't bother a plant. In the summer I water my Autos from an old water butt and my vegetables are planted in rotted...
  6. speedwell68

    Droopy plants

    I'd take that down to 20% at 28". Then wait at least 48 hours before you assess the situation. At the very least you will save a chunk of cash off your electricity bill.
  7. speedwell68

    Droopy plants

    I reckon you still have light stress. What is the spec of your light and how far is it from the plants? You say you have set it at 60%, 60% of how much? I have a 4x4 with 600w from 4 x TS1000. My plants are in late veg and I am only giving them 50% at 50cm - 60cm (24" - 28") from the canopy...
  8. speedwell68

    Droopy plants

    What is the spec of the light and what distance is it from the plants?
  9. speedwell68

    which LED light?

    There is a law of diminishing returns. I have 600w in a 4x4, if I use much more than 80% I get light stress.
  10. speedwell68

    help me, what could be wrong?

    Some pictures taken under natural light would be great. TBH they don't look too bad.
  11. speedwell68

    ı am new grower ı need help. ı have 2 problems

    What are you growing them in? Soil, Coco, something else?
  12. speedwell68

    Is she ok? One week more

    They have many weeks left. You need to pick off any of that dead leaf matter or you will get mould/rot.
  13. speedwell68

    Is this sign of over feeding?

    What are they? How are they being grown? What are you feeding them?
  14. speedwell68

    Coco coir.....Fabric pots or plastic?

    Just so you know I use pots like these... A fraction over 2 Imperial Gallons (10L), just under 3 US gallons. You can grow a huge plant in them if you so desire, without using loads of media. Plus, the lip is hooked so they are easy to pick up and you...
  15. speedwell68

    Coco coir.....Fabric pots or plastic?

    Fabric pots are the work of the devil. They dry out too quickly, they retain salts, they can also harbour mould and unwanted bacteria. I have tried them several times and have always gone back to plastic. YMMV.
  16. speedwell68


    Search Amazon for ground hooks. They are ideal.
  17. speedwell68

    Time to repot?

    That will be superb for a 2x4. Are the seedlings under it now?
  18. speedwell68

    Time to repot?

    What is the make and model of the light?
  19. speedwell68

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Nope, it is complete nonsense. It is up there with flushing.
  20. speedwell68

    Should I remove leaves in veg?

    This. I will selectively defoliate, for training purposes. I will also lollipop a week or so before I flip. But this practice of "schwazzing" to the point the poor thing looks like a stick insect is moronic.