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  1. ct26turbo

    Growing Blackjack auto first grow 9 weeks since planted . Lots of small buds but it streches 3 inches a night when do buds fatten

    What are you using for light and schedule. They also look like there only 2 weeks in flowering so you got along way to go
  2. ct26turbo

    Whats wrong this my first grow

    Go to attach files
  3. ct26turbo

    Whats wrong this my first grow

    No pics and not much info to go by
  4. ct26turbo

    Finding a Hidden Stash

    I got a habit of checking empty boxes of cigs cuz u never know what’s in them
  5. ct26turbo

    P. S.

    Just sit down when you p then you can do both or whatever order u want
  6. ct26turbo

    Humidity issue in 4x2 grow tent

    Doesn’t have to match you can get away with a 6 inch inline fan just gotta pull some fresh air in
  7. ct26turbo

    Humidity issue in 4x2 grow tent

    A good intake fan and a pair of oscillating fans should be added up top in opposing corners
  8. ct26turbo

    Humidity issue in 4x2 grow tent

    I had run into similar problems when I was running a 4x2 I would have to keep the door constantly open to avoid humidity spikes. You have so much plant matter in there there’s really not that much room for circulation
  9. ct26turbo

    Humidity issue in 4x2 grow tent

    It would definitely help pull in fresh air and help lower humidity a bit
  10. ct26turbo

    Humidity issue in 4x2 grow tent

    And if your running led lights a temp of 83 isn’t bad actually in the ideal spot
  11. ct26turbo

    Humidity issue in 4x2 grow tent

    Besides the exhaust fan do you have an intake fan any fans moving air around in your tent?
  12. ct26turbo

    Beautiful canabonsai! Need help! (Pics)

    What lighting are you using also
  13. ct26turbo

    Beautiful canabonsai! Need help! (Pics)

    What are you using for soil looks really wet and do your tits drain well. Looks overwatered and hungry
  14. ct26turbo

    Severe heat stress (bud rot?), should I harvest early?

    Should have added this to ur red line and a chalk sketch
  15. ct26turbo

    Heat Stress or...?

    It looks like you are feeding way to much N in ur feeds
  16. ct26turbo

    When to switch from a seedling light to a full spectrum light?

    Just set it up at least 24 inches or more away
  17. ct26turbo

    Spider Farmer is coming--Win free SF4000 LED

    Great light been using this model for my flower tent can’t wait for the results. Thanks @Spiderfarmerled
  18. ct26turbo

    Kali Mist - Seed to Stone

    I had the same problem with one of my White Russians gave her a nice watering with calmag n she evened herself out
  19. ct26turbo

    Holiday grow

    I don’t think that’s regular promix I think the one you have there has fertilizer in it not sure just wait on the feedings once you get growing