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  1. ct26turbo

    Holiday grow

    No need to feed daily with promix I feed till runoff wait till she’s dry then feed again or just water I let them dry out between feedings
  2. ct26turbo

    Kali Mist - Seed to Stone

    Just single topped plants 4 girls in 3 gallon pots
  3. ct26turbo

    How to stop airy fluffy buds

    How did you grow em what’s ur setup how long did u flower so many factors
  4. ct26turbo

    Kali Mist - Seed to Stone

    In week 9 with these White Russian ladies n they seem to be stacking on some weight
  5. ct26turbo

    Almost ready?

    Not yet just wait it out
  6. ct26turbo

    White Worms?

    Looks like fungus knat larvae was this leaf close to the soil?
  7. ct26turbo

    what is this white powder on my plants

    Could be PM or scale kinda hard to see in pics tho
  8. ct26turbo

    BK’s shit show

    Training your cat to be the next ninja warrior I see… but honestly sick setup for your lil homie
  9. ct26turbo

    Question on finding a male plant

    Just be on the look out cuz if there all the same strain chances are they might be unstable or stressed induced to turning into herms
  10. ct26turbo

    Question on finding a male plant

    Those are not seeds there male flowers they just didn’t get to fully mature yet
  11. ct26turbo

    Question on finding a male plant

    Are they all the same strain?
  12. ct26turbo

    Question on finding a male plant

    Also looks like it wasn’t open so you might have dodged a bullet on it pollinating ur other plants
  13. ct26turbo

    Question on finding a male plant

    Looks hermi what strain you running
  14. ct26turbo

    The concrete thread

    Been home since February I just started this grow in March I believe and my last grow was probably 2018/19
  15. ct26turbo

    The concrete thread

    Got stuck in a hotel in PA for a month thanks to lockdown so once I got to go home I took a break from it gotta get my sanity back before I get back into it again
  16. ct26turbo

    The concrete thread

    Probably not but cheaper n more available as we’re constantly in new towns states. Once we finish a job we pack up n of to the next job kinda like we’re on tour but the exact opposite cuz we’re just slaving away 70/hrs a week till we get to go home for a bit
  17. ct26turbo

    Watering with coconut water?

    Hope for your sake there over 15
  18. ct26turbo

    The concrete thread

    Must have concrete dust is no joke. I coat the inside of mine with rainx helps it from fogging up.