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  1. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

  2. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    Talk about Job creation Fog do you have a social sec number ??? and why is it most illegals do not have one ??? So even though some have falsified documents which can be identified pretty easy , then you have the illegals that apply for ITIN documents there clearly...
  3. Slipup420

    Light ???

     There are actually very few published scientific studies about greenhouse gas emissions from composts, but the two that I have been able to find show that around 2-3% of the original carbon in the manure or green waste is emitted as methane (21X carbon dioxide in GHG potential) and there is...
  4. Slipup420

    Light ???

    All i am trying to relay is T5's ,Burple, Cobs HPS MH CMH, Plasma and even a flashlight will grow a plant ,, i did not come in here to start a fight against cob or led or HPS for that matter Who really cares at the end of the day do, or use what works best for your situation i use...
  5. Slipup420

    Light ???

    There is a lot of lies when it comes to both units and miss leading info,, its all about sales at the end of the day right ?? For me it does not matter extremely happy with T5;s for my seed runs and 2 plant thrown in flower fun , I really tend to stay away from indoor growing all...
  6. Slipup420

    Light ???

    How can someone say it blows it away when they both would grow pretty much the same , IMO would like to see pretty sure daily difference is unnoticeable,, weekly ?? may be one stretched more then the other ?? .. You got any pictures of actual plants?? and lateral branching...
  7. Slipup420

    Light ???

    Obviously with light maybe plants are needing more with def spectrums plants are usng more of N possibly ???
  8. Slipup420

    PH & Organics

    Not true when making soil especially super soil ph is going to drop dramatically it takes few weeks . what one should do , is add worms and make a tea to start the micro life Once this is done , Guess what its still not safe to place plants in ir you need to allow few weeks for...
  9. Slipup420

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Out door yes i think around 1000 tops per plant
  10. Slipup420

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I figure out a way to get 100 tops naturally
  11. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    Simple a reward or 100 dollars for a tip, which leads to a deportation and to think that with 20 million illegals not hard to find ??? just wait till fall and hit the farms .. put a add in papers for students to Canvass there area door to door .. Bottom line 20 million less...
  12. Slipup420

    Light ???

    Slab you got to make sure that when watering your plants either ice cold water or boiling water for the best flavor lol
  13. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    Mexico would be smart in building the wall :) it would surely stop Americans trying to enter Mexico illegally when shit hits the fan :)
  14. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    Illegal immigration is illegal, see how buck changes it it racism,, Trump is going to send them back and bring them back in legally. This is not raciest this is doing it by the book and fixing the illegal immigration issues ,, Where as Hillary, will say one thing , start something that...
  15. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    With Hillary in place that shit will go on, Trump will keep his troops home protecting home land. Hillary just by looking at her past ,, She will start wars and rape countries of its resources .Or at least try to To bad Iraq back fired on you 0 gains and 814 Billion spent, and...
  16. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    Buck being american corruption runs deep
  17. Slipup420

    USA move closer to equality in wages

    Interesting there Buck looks like i almost got you ready, to lose it of course the wages should go up and of course they should spike up goods and services to world market prices so approx increase of 30 - 40 percent so that raise you got actually made you worse off...
  18. Slipup420

    USA move closer to equality in wages

    In your eyes of a racial statement ??? there is no Statements there not one bit i see you only look one way when someone says hey he might or should move back to AFRICA , or Kenya or Russia that's raciest ???? Or is this raciest ? obama should take the next raft out of USA...
  19. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    What is going to happen when Trump does get elected ,, and all the people in here totally against Trump . What are you going to do then lol
  20. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    Vote Hillary and she will open the doors into the USA this will be You buck