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  1. Slipup420

    White Widow T5 Scrog. 5 weeks.

    Personally its better not to set your self up for disappointment White widow is a good strain to scrog and is capable of 800 grams but your skill set will determine what your capable of with a 600 my guess is one plant pending on veg time of 5 weeks min first grow 4 oz to 17 oz dry
  2. Slipup420

    Can't tell if female or male

    Well i would not go and cull this thing just yet curious how old is it ??? I does look like balls forming but i always wondered how many cull to quick give it another week or 2 seriously be 100 percent positive ,, Can't imagine how many culled a female plant thinking it was a...
  3. Slipup420

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    Interesting thread as for size or height of compost see if i can dig up some last years pictures size height is not a issue, as long as have good air ratio in the mix for instance . I used approx 15 tons of manure and 5 tons of sheep manure added 1 to 1 straw to cow manure ratio ...
  4. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    l Limited government is one of the greatest accomplishments of humanity. It is imperfectly enjoyed by only a portion of the human race, and, where it is enjoyed, its tenure is ever precarious. The experience of the 20th century is surely witness to the insecurity of constitutional government and...
  5. Slipup420

    White Widow T5 Scrog. 5 weeks.

    Exactly you need to veg couple weeks longer trust me , and you will thank me later as for your plant its not even reached scrog table yet this is what you need to do super crop all tops that are on top of plant ,, raise lights if you can so plants stretch a bit and grow up...
  6. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    I find any presidential election to be rather amusing don's you all think with them attacking each other ??? One could Very well say its rather embarrassing thinking who ever gets the win is going to lead one of the most powerful Countries in the world .. They bicker like children about...
  7. Slipup420

    3500k vs 4000k vs 5000k ?

    Sure we have Full spectrum with added UV best of both world i am presently waiting on 3500 5000 and 6500 k 3590's building two 400 watt units one for my self and one for a friend i think personally that will be the perfect blend with UV added my plans are to run 40o watts with...
  8. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    That entered USA legally and your point is ??? Actually if you break it down , only 2 percent of the population of USA is of that land all the rest are immigrants of some other nationality including you.. Everyone is raciest to some point don't forget who almost wiped the indigenous...
  9. Slipup420

    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    If money is the root of all Evil then why do churches ask for money ??? Quiz what is or was in every hotel room or motel room and no is not ?? 2 - 4 years ago and is not anymore ??? The bible next time you rent a room go look for one its not there and for good reason Cause one...
  10. Slipup420

    White Widow T5 Scrog. 5 weeks.

    the goal is to produce a many tops as possible like this and also keeping a even canopy is priority so for instance cropping now creating more shoots then once plants starts to stretch cropping them the 10 - 20 top plant become 40 - 50 top
  11. Slipup420

    who is growing some trees????

    Who ever said composting is good just remember 60 percent plus of that compost is emitted into the air as Green house gas so were damned if we do and damned if we don't :)
  12. Slipup420

    3 week plant still so small

    Zaz your small growth can be from a number of issues from improper light source to out of wack soil problem with diagnosing issues is were not there or no the strain and your environment,, Curling leafs can be a number of things from and can be a very inherited gene trait Now what you...
  13. Slipup420

    White Widow T5 Scrog. 5 weeks.

    Personally i would wait another 2 weeks and let plant grow into screen , while you also super crop once she is in flower and starts stretching,, keep super cropping and move branches out wards filling spots and maintaining even canopy even if you need to raise table to do so...
  14. Slipup420

    who is growing some trees????

     i prefer Bio char over any wood chips personally
  15. Slipup420

    who is growing some trees????

    I tend to stay away from wood chips other then using them as a mulch that slowly decays over time with being very little amounts at best... To think its going to be a immediate benefit to your plants or soil is wrong its a form of building soil over time ,, you could add as much...