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  1. speedwell68

    Mycorrhizal Inoculant

    I can't see that it would. I normally just put a teaspoon full in the planting hole. 5 grams in 10 gallons isn't much at all.
  2. speedwell68

    Light stress?

    Microbes and brown sugar at $35 a bag, wow.
  3. speedwell68

    Should I defoliate again or nah

    Well you have too much Nitrogen. If you have a light like that then I don't see the need for the crappy 45w LED bulbs.
  4. speedwell68

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I am not a fan of foliar feeding either. I have had issues in the past that put me off. My problem is that I am having a minor calcium deficiency on a few plants in the latter stages of flowering, which shouldn't be as they get more than enough calcium. I think I have figured out why it is...
  5. speedwell68

    The UK Growers Thread!

    How do you apply the Calcium Chloride?
  6. speedwell68

    Light stress?

    TBH the more I read on that Recharge you are using the more I think it is complete Snake Oil. As soon as I saw the price and read the hype on their website I became suspicious.
  7. speedwell68

    Light stress?

    The dark green and shiny leaves are suggesting too much Nitrogen. Reading up on the Recharge it contains Kelp and Molasses, whilst the Nitrogen content of those is negligible they do contain it and it might be enough to push an already very rich soil mix over the top. Again, from what I have...
  8. speedwell68

    Do LEDs have a benefit if heat is no issue.

    Thanks. TBH, without RiU there is no way I'd be this successful. Joining here showed me how little I knew.
  9. speedwell68

    Should I defoliate again or nah

    Probably not. Your plants have stretched too much, most likely down to a lack of light. Also, they are getting way too much nitrogen, that is why the leaves are a very dark green and shiny. What are you growing them in? Soil, Coco or something else? What are you feeding them?
  10. speedwell68

    What to do if you have light stress in week 5 of bloom?

    Where I live it can be raining and really sunny at the same time, it is how Rainbows appear. Go to somewhere like Florida, it can rain so hard it hurts when it hits you and within 10 minutes it will be so sunny it causes the ground to steam. By you reasoning all of the plants would be burnt...
  11. speedwell68

    Shall I harvest!!?

    Breeders seem to pick a number out of their arse when it comes to finishing times. According to Royal Queen Seeds my Honey Cream plants should be finishing on Friday. But the plant seems to think they have another few weeks to go. If those plants were mine I'd be telling my Mrs that she is...
  12. speedwell68

    Growers LED choice ?

    I am in a 120x120x180 and I am getting great results with 4x150w DIY Quantum Boards, they are identical to a Mars Hydro TS1000.
  13. speedwell68

    Do LEDs have a benefit if heat is no issue.

    I once lit a joint with a 600w HPS.:D I used to grow under 2x600w HPS. Then I stopped growing for a few years. I came back to growing in April 2020 when the Pandemic meant I couldn't get any weed. So I pulled out my old HPS lights and they wouldn't work. So I bought some cheap COB LEDs on...
  14. speedwell68

    Uk winter...

    Not at this time of year. I would wait to at least the end of March. Don't bother with starting them under lights. Just germinate them and put them in the pots they will finish in.
  15. speedwell68

    Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

    My wife can blow hard, does that help?
  16. speedwell68

    Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

    Info from where? As I have told no one am I growing, unless I tell them they aren't going to find out. But I doubt they will. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a Police car. The joke round here is that if you see a cop car it means they are lost. I got attacked in the street, I...
  17. speedwell68

    Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

    No they don't. They know which ISP you use and where that is located. My ISP operate out of London, their head office is in Yorkshire and I live hundreds of miles from either.