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  1. R

    Dissolved oxygen inside the plumbing

    At the start maybe once a day and being only 4 plants they don't get the 5lrs stored in the pipe, the cycles will build to multiple as they get bigger, its that 24 hrs gap in the starts that Id like to know what the DO is doing in the pipes, because if it's lost the plants will get no DO until...
  2. R

    Why does this happen.

    Pots are 3 gal airports, plants about a foot high, I have plants in the other room same setup that are huge 4 fill the 10 x 10 room where I have to shimmy along a wall, lighting is a mix of 2 x 500 watt Led and 4 x 600 DE Cmh with a single vertical 600 hps hanging in the middle there is plenty...
  3. R

    Dissolved oxygen inside the plumbing

    If my tank is bubbling away adding DO to the nutrient how long will stay in the water inside the pipes from one irrigation to the next, from my pump to the dripper is 5ltrs held in 50 ml pipe, with young plants they wont get fresh tank water they the water sitting in the pipe, it has a...
  4. R

    Why does this happen.

    I'm thinking its more about the airflow in the root zone, and maybe I'm just over watering them too early bogging them down, the good ones just go, but anything that's not booming goes bust, to watch them just instantly take off outside makes me think air, I'm wondering if indoors there is...
  5. R

    Why does this happen.

    This has plagued me for years and I've never been able to work out exactly why it happens. Plants in coco smart pots, start off fine and then they will sit down and slow transpiration, so then you start to slow irrigation so they do not stay wet for too long, this goes on for a while, they get...
  6. R

    How much will I most likely get?

    They look darker in the pic than they are but they are not pale, they are on high EC and have a weighty feel, Ive never ran this high EC before I will back off to about 2.2 in another week I will add an Hour to the lights and increase feed frequency, then a few weeks after that will lower temps...
  7. R

    How much will I most likely get?

    Same plants from earlier pic now at 21 days flower. Nutrifield fed at 3EC , Fulvic Acid and Kelp, Cal-Mag. 4 x 600 cmh, 4 x 300 Led, 1 x 600 Hps.
  8. R

    Help ASAP! Forth week of flower severe yellowing

    If your flood and drain the cubes without a top-down flush develops really high EC around the top of the cube if you're running 2.5 you could easily be touching 4 at the top 1/3 of the cube, Rockwool should be top feed and the moisture content of the cube kept in check with frequent small volume...
  9. R

    Help :/

    They do not repair in flower, the more they struggle the faster they want to finish and will sacrifice every bit of plant material to feed the flowers, any problem can be repaired and grown out while in grow but in flower they wont fix anything. Just get them out and and start again hopefully...
  10. R

    Hitting Ceiling of Greenhouse

    I seen a fella in the same spot years ago and he just pruned the crap out of them, ended up like a SOG he got more yield than he normally did.
  11. R

    Spider mites

    What I did once was to roll a bit of rag around the end of a 4ft stick and sprayed it with mite spray the rag was a little fluffy, I then wiped the colas with the stick and loads of mites and their web stuck to the rag keeping them pretty clean , got me through to the end of the grow, I had...
  12. R

    How much will I most likely get?

    Ive been following crop steering methods and have run these at 2.4 EC pretty much since they were cuttings and 3 EC in Flower, the trick to high EC is how they are irrigated, by running high EC and giving frequent short irrigation they have not shown any nutrient burn at all and I get very...
  13. R

    Best way to transition from 18/6 to 12/12

    My latest grow for transition Im following the crop steering method and its looking good so far, knock lights back a couple of hours each day over a week, lower lights on temp a few degrees, shorten the Diff between day/night temps, raise CF, run a slightly drier medium.
  14. R

    Taking clones from a clone reoccurring

    Yes you can make a clone sick or not thrive but the genetics will not change if you bring it back to health and take a cutting its good again. I had the Rhino strain I mentioned earlier, there was a point I was away and had a pump failure and lost the lot, now I spent a lot of time picking the...
  15. R

    Taking clones from a clone reoccurring

    I had a strain of White Rhino that was clone from clone for 20 yrs, friends are still growing it and it is like it always was.
  16. R

    Nutrient Uptake

    Plants never use all the nutes at the same rate they demand different salts at different times and the balance of the whole is always changing, if you found a nutrient where it would be used evenly all the time, it would be the best nutrient in the world by far
  17. R

    Mesh to prevent bugs from duct/exhaust

    The only issue with something like that is surface area is small, Im rural and a lot of dust in the air at times it will fill that up in no time restricting airflow a lot.
  18. R

    Mesh to prevent bugs from duct/exhaust

    Im in a garage, its fully insulated, we are in winter now and the nights are dropping to freezing, Ive had to add LPG heaters to the room to get my temps up the lights wasn't cutting it. Im impressed with the hyper fan controller and the fans, the controller is fairly cheap for what it does.
  19. R

    How long for regen to full veg

    Here they are looking back into full veg, lots of tops, they did a lot in 2wks from last pics. Was having trouble with the airpots drying out to quick I should never have added perlite to the coco in these pots, so I sat the airport in a fabric pot with pure coco, was able to keep my netting to...
  20. R

    Mesh to prevent bugs from duct/exhaust

    Will only work with hyper fans, I have a 250 in and a 150 + 250 out, the fans seem to work well in going up and down when controlling temps, the inlet slows way down smoothly with no humming the outlet always has a bit of revs on it to keep negative pressure, they do a good job Im happy so far...