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  1. BuddhistProdigy

    plants went back into veg mid flower. HELP

    The dial on the timer had one of the half hour notches wasnt fully locked in during the 12 hour dark period. causing like a half hour of light in the middle of the night. the plant started stretching and I had no idea why until i took a look at the timer. the plants were suffered through this...
  2. BuddhistProdigy

    Indica vs. Sativa

    Do sativas stretch more then indica during flowering? always wondered about this?
  3. BuddhistProdigy

    Got me some azomite..

    Do you have a link for a good place to buy basalt for plants? Is there an ideal grain size you prefer and why?
  4. BuddhistProdigy

    YOUR rookie mistakes..

    Very true, but the law of the minimum helps remind us of the entire spectrum of life/nutrition that we have to surround plants with. When i think about all the smoke i've had that was above and beyond the quality someone would presume cannabis is capable of achieving...; their must have been a...
  5. BuddhistProdigy

    YOUR rookie mistakes..

    I just made this my signature because i find it so on point. This is from the Azomite website. I like the best smoke so I do 100% organic; lifeless chemicals don't give my plants what they are looking for. Lets not get into that discussion now.. Although I highly suggest doing 100% organic if...
  6. BuddhistProdigy

    YOUR rookie mistakes..

    HAVE PATIENCE AND KEEP IT SIMPLE>>> rely on your instinct/intuition. As humans, we've been farming for thousands of years.. Since the cradle of civilization. This stuff is in our DNA. We breath their air, they breath ours...its a symbiotic relationship and everyone should be taking part in...
  7. BuddhistProdigy

    Welcome New Members!

    HELLO I installed an RO a few months back and completely forgot to include azomite in my supersoil mixture so im experiencing trace element deficiencies.(most likely zinc and/or calcium) .... i have some azomite, could i add some to my water prior to feeding? I also got some DR EARTH 752...
  8. BuddhistProdigy

    Help low humidity need a low cost humidifier check this out. DIY humidifier. Save some $ and energy... All you need is a bowl and a towel and a hanger....
  9. BuddhistProdigy

    Help low humidity need a low cost humidifier

    interested as well...
  10. BuddhistProdigy

    I'm currently having two different companies manufacture me lights with the CXB3590's. In 1...

    I'm currently having two different companies manufacture me lights with the CXB3590's. In 1 month, I will have both lights ( 1 has 6 CXB3590 and 1 has 4) The prices are very reasonable. Both lights were individually under $1000.
  11. BuddhistProdigy

    I can put you in contact with someone who will make you a CXB3950 light for the best price you...

    I can put you in contact with someone who will make you a CXB3950 light for the best price you will find.
  12. BuddhistProdigy

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I can put you in touch with someone who will make you a very good COB CXB3950 light if you are interested.
  13. BuddhistProdigy

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    OK, of the light companies that sell COB lighting, I dont care if it's CXB 3590 or the one thats 2nd best.... I decided ill spend up to $550... I want a light that has 300-400 actual watts. Which company has the most affordable light?
  14. BuddhistProdigy

    Could you discount any lights for me? I'm looking for 300-400 actual watts?

    Could you discount any lights for me? I'm looking for 300-400 actual watts?
  15. BuddhistProdigy

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I just remixed it a day ago. On another note all my beans are popping except the Nirvana beans (90% duds) anyone else experience issues with their beans before?
  16. BuddhistProdigy

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Are any of the other COB's worth a shot besides the CXB3950's? Now because I can't afford a CXB3950 driven light and or don't have the tools to make one myself, are their any other models (full spectrum) that are close?
  17. BuddhistProdigy

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    ok, im going to build my own. what do I need?? I want to produce 400 actual watts with 4x100 watt cxb3950's. So 4 100 watt cxb3950's and........... (if someone can provide me the links to the most affordable options, that would be much day i'll return the favor :) )
  18. BuddhistProdigy

    Ok thank you very much. Right now, that's a little out of my price range.

    Ok thank you very much. Right now, that's a little out of my price range.