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    You have always given me the best advice out of all these other idiots here that gave me terrible advice. Alot of of tweaking I had to do, but as you can see, I had others survive, so hopefully she will pull through like my last couple of grows. How do I follow the schedule when the schedule...
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    She's around 10 weeks old as well. I also fed flowering nutes at around week 5, which I'm starting to wander if thats not good. I heard you should start feeding flowering nutes when you start to see that she is in flowering mode, is that true? I was going off the feeding schedule on the packet...
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    I did give the ph and ppm up above in my first post. I started early at 4 weeks feeding. I know, probably to soon, and I learned that for next grow. I was feeding every watering at that point as well, which I corrected at week mabe 6 or 7. Once again, I learned that wasn't a good idea. I now...
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    Ca Dont say you tried when you never told me what you needed to know, and I did provide information. that doesn't really make any sense now, does it?
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    What more info do you need? Your not telling me what can help you? If your not going to help, why comment?
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    What more you need? Kingbright 320w, fox farm trio nutes, fox farm happy frog soil. Around 60% humidity. What else do you need
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    Can't figure it out. Ppm seem to hang around 500 when I read it after giving plain water. I then gives them a half dose of nutes to boost them to 900ppm. The runoff reads around 6.0-6.5 as well. This is an auto. Leaves continue to get worst.
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    Deficiency help

    I did give them to much nutes, but stopped that mabe two weeks ago. For the one it definitely is getting worst. I may have to flush her next time if she isn't eating much. I guess I got to test the ph as well next time, but have no clue how I would even fix that.
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    Delta 8 syrup

    I just ordered some delta 8 syrup and wandering how this works. So I heard its more close to thc when eaten. I have a low tolerance. I mainly just smoke flower. A quarter gram in the morning and a quarter gram at night. Very rare for edible and concentrates. Oral thc tho is weird for me. When I...
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    Deficiency help

    Looks like calcium deficiency?
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    Deficiency help

    These are my white widow autoflower at week 7 (first two pics), and my girl scout cookies autoflower at 8 weeks. Been giving them half dose of nutes depending at what there ppm were reading at after giving plain water. The girl scout cookies have been get 5ml grow big, 7.5ml big bloom, and 5ml...
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    Auto with photos

    I thought I may have enough time to flower. Now I got to figure out the nutrients for her. I always dealt with autos not photos.
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    Auto with photos

    Nahh im not doing that. I got 3 autos, not 3 photos. It would be a different story if most were photos. Im going to just throw her in my closet for 12 hours a day and hope everything goes smoothly. O this is going to bother me now.
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    Auto with photos

    So I made a huggggggge fuck up in my opinion. I grow pretty much only autos right, well when I placed my order last time I got peyote cookies for some reason thinking its an auto. God knows how I made that mistake, but here we are. Were probably at like week 7 and just figured that out . The...
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    What is this?

    How does she look guys. The leaves color still seem a little on the darker side. Im fed only once this week, and gave it plain water. This is week 6. Ppm were reading at 628 this watering. Think im just gonna let her continue to eat the nutes she got. How low should I let the ppm drop before...
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    What is this?

    Fox farm happy frog and the fox farm trio. Mycorrhizae is in the soil as well
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    What is this?

    Idk why your getting mad at me for wanting other peoples opinion. Im not claiming the other guy is right either, but he's offering a suggestion not a command. I will not just blindly accept someone's response like I used to when I first started. Now I've been growing for a bit, I can use my...
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    What is this?

    I will have to check ph next time, but normally the runoff is pretty good. Dont really get how you'd fix a ph issue either when people tell me I shouldn't use ph down.