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    What is this?

    Thank you, according to Mr. Know it all im stupid and should just believe everything he tells me. The closes plant is 21 inches away from light, the plant that has the most problems is 25.5 inches away from the light. The plant that is the closest to the light is yet to show any issues yet. Im...
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    What is this?

    Im not saying you can't grow, all im saying is i dont get why I should flush when its not like my ppm are crazy. I took advice last grow doing that and it made things worst is all im saying. I would like to here others thoughts before I take advice from one person.
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    What is this?

    Idk how flushing is going to help. Did that last grow at week five and literally almost killed them through nutrient deficiency. Leaves turned a really bright green. Im not trying to be a dick, just had bad advice before. Every plant is different with nutes is what I'm finding. Hell my tomatoe...
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    What is this?

    I do a good amount of runoff, but I don't see how that will help. So you water twice then gives nutes. Hell by that time my plant will be dieing of starvation . You cant runoff a ton or else you will literally strip away all the food. It takes a good 3-4 days until they need water. Idk man, that...
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    What is this?

    I think it may have been caused by me giving it nutes consistently. I stopped doing that last week though and switched to every other time. I check the ppm and if its lower than a 1,000 then I give it nutes, if not, then I just let it have the plain water. Could it have been a case of over...
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    What is going on?

    It really depends on the plant in my opinion. You can't just make up your own rule of watering twice then nutes. For example my tomatoe plant takes nutes every watering! She has been doing that for like 2-3 months now without any issues. You have to go buy the ppm. That shows how quickly they...
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    What is going on?

    Tds is reading at 1,100 ppm after watering with plain water until I got a decent bit of runoff. Normally I feed at like 1,800ppm I believe. Im going to keep it at the low 1,000 until mabe next week. Im also going to feed then water. Last grow they seemed to like nutrients every watering at half...
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    What is going on?

    Should I try every other feeding to gives nutes instead of every time to see how they like that?
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    What is going on?

    Could be a possibility. Probably tom. I got to water her and test tds. Were should it be around at 5 weeks old for an autoflower. I started giving half dose of fox farm nutes last week. I gave it nutes every feeding because last grow I wasn't giving enough. Around week 6 I believe last grow, or...
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    Pepper plants

    Don't we all lol
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    Pepper plants

    Sorry for getting back so late, but yes moving the plant away from the light worked. The one plant looks really fucked up somehow, but they both stopped have yellowish and purplish leaves and regained color
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    What is going on?

    Idk whats going on.
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    7 pot lava pepper deficiency

    I have fed it nothing. Started life in miracle grow vegetable mix. They seem to take forever to suck up water. Temperature is around 70 degrees F, and humidity hangs around 40-50%. Im growing them under 320w kingbrights
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    7 pot lava pepper deficiency

    What could the spots be?
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    7 pot lava pepper deficiency

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    7 pot lava pepper deficiency

    What do you guys think this is?