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  1. helluvagrower

    How Much Longer Until Harvest?

    WEEK 11 OF FLOWER First grow just looking for feedback..Am i getting close to harvest?
  2. helluvagrower

    How Are My Plants Looking

    Yeah its my first grow so i went with fucking MG not knowing any better,and as far as the watering issue i could be falling behind just a bit
  3. helluvagrower

    How Are My Plants Looking

    Yeah i mean theyre still progressing so not much of really a big deal
  4. helluvagrower

    How Are My Plants Looking

    Just taken
  5. helluvagrower

    How Are My Plants Looking

    What should i do from here? All jokes aside
  6. helluvagrower

    How Are My Plants Looking

    Man im not feeding them shit lmao only water
  7. helluvagrower

    How Are My Plants Looking

    Week 9 Of Flower Just Posting For Progession Purposes Any Tips/Ideas?
  8. helluvagrower

    Week 7 Of Flower Plants Seem To Be Growing Slow

    Only water and its in MG soil
  9. helluvagrower

    Week 7 Of Flower Plants Seem To Be Growing Slow

    Decided to snap a few pictures before watering (hence the droop) but it seems as if my plants are growing pretty slow compared to other threads that i’ve saw on here. Lighting: [GIIXER 1000w] Should i start using nutrients? I havent used any the entire grow.
  10. helluvagrower

    White Hairs Have Turned Orange

    Hoe do i check
  11. helluvagrower

    Pistils Have Turned Orange Week 5 Flower

    Here’s just a pic of a bud site on one of my other plants. (same tent)
  12. helluvagrower

    Pistils Have Turned Orange Week 5 Flower

    Should I Be Concerned? Out of 4 plants this is the only who’s pistils have changed. It is also the one that’s sits directly under the light.
  13. helluvagrower

    White Hairs Have Turned Orange

    More than likely under. I’m late on the watering today I had to work a double shift
  14. helluvagrower

    White Hairs Have Turned Orange

    Week 5 Of Flower And This Happened To Only 1/4 Of My Plants. Should I Be Concerned?
  15. helluvagrower

    What Strain Does This Look Like?

    lol i just hate all the fake names that dont match the strains that are floating around now. I like to know what exactly it is in smoking
  16. helluvagrower

    What Strain Does This Look Like?

    No lol but i was told it was dosido