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  1. Nwtexan

    Organic problems? calcium deficiency?

    OK. I've been watering with straight water, PH'd to around 6.3 for a week or so. I think things are leveling off, but having a hard time telling for sure. Water is coming out in mid to high 6, so i feel like I am probably not getting nutrient lockout any more. I never used any salt based...
  2. Nwtexan

    Organic problems? calcium deficiency?

    The calmag was only added well after the problem had started. From what I understand about PH, alkalinity generally follows it. I don’t think you can have a low 6 PH that is still alkaline
  3. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    From what I'm learning, all of the PH down products, whether organic or not, ultimately use similar acids to achieve their results. I don't know about possible additional positive outcomes from organic products, but it seems logical that outside of being able to say "I am organic", it may in...
  4. Nwtexan

    Organic problems? calcium deficiency?

    Thanks. I've read that, My thinking was that since i have such a low Calcium content in my water to start with that the amount i was using(bringing PPM up to 125 or so) would put it to a nominal amount, and significantly less than average non RO water that people here are using
  5. Nwtexan

    Organic problems? calcium deficiency?

    what do you mean? Adjusting the PH means less food or there is less food because of the higher PH? IF it's the latter, I understand and am trying to correct
  6. Nwtexan

    Organic problems? calcium deficiency?

    It's a live and learn situation. I was recced to use the sticks. Could you clarify your statement about the FF causing more PH issues down the line? I'm actually making my own soil for the next run, so will not be doing FF
  7. Nwtexan

    Organic problems? calcium deficiency?

    Thanks. I'm gonna try the just water approach. That's pretty much what I've been doing. I did put a small amount of calmag in the water. I was getting a ton of different advice, and figured that with my low mineral content in my water as is, it would be a bit of a neutral move either way; if it...
  8. Nwtexan

    Organic problems? calcium deficiency?

    Thanks. This all makes sense, and some of it was probably inevitable since it was my first grow in a while and my first organic indoor grow ever. So you think it’s a lockout because of too much stuff? What can I do outside of trying to pull ph down in the soil? The runoff was more in line last...
  9. Nwtexan

    Organic problems? calcium deficiency?

    Hello, I was posting in Organic. Couldn't figure this out. I am in 7G fabric pots. 3 plants. LED light. Temps are mid to high 70's RH around 50-55. just entering 5th week of flower. Organic grow. Soil was either FFHF/OF mix with EWC and humus, or 1 plant(with worst symptoms) black gold...
  10. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    Thanks for the tip. I was using teas once a week that included a bit of molasses. That was the last thing I did when I started having this issue. Not saying it was the molasses, or the tea for that matter, but just trying to eliminate possible issues
  11. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    With my goals being being to both learn how I want to approach my future grows and hopefully have a good, tasty first yield, I am trying to combine a solid understanding of method and result. I would like to do this as organically as I can, though I want my dogma to be a bit more eastern(as in a...
  12. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    My initial mix on most of this was a soil base--In this case it was mostly Black Gold organic, which i don't think has a high calcium content. I added some EWC and a little bit of humus, as well as some additional perlite. It tested a bit higher than the other soil. I top-dressed all of my...
  13. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    This all makes sense to me. The issue is what to do when you have a situation like mine. Those ecosystems had eons to get it right and we are trying to artificially create environments that echo that same simpatico. I am really just trying to find that simple consistent method and style. I...
  14. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    Thanks. When I started this grow i was gonna do a soil grow with nutrients. As I got into it ands read up, I drifted towards organic. In this world it seems the general thought is very minimal intrusion to the grow once the soil is set up. I was initially checking water PH and PPM, adding a...
  15. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    Update-- I'm still seeing this issue. I'm also seeing elevated PH water in my runoff.I'm putting in 7.0 and coming out with around 7.7-7.8 I have been doing my best to move forward methodically. Temps in the high 70's mid 50's RH. Lots of air circulation. This plant is also potted in a soil that...
  16. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    I read the white paper. thanks! Definitely good info on how soil responds to amendment, fertilizer, and crops. Made a lot of sense with why different PH levels allowed different nutrients to be more available. What do you do with your grow? Are you doing a full organic run? Do you adjust water...
  17. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    thanks! I appreciate you loving to see problems solve too! I'm gonna try giving it some time to dry out and already put some EWC on top. Live and learn, live and learn
  18. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    thanks/ Definitely speaking from what I've read, but i think testing runoff can give you a clue if something is off in your soil
  19. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    Again, thanks for the advice. I appreciate you taking the time to give me the best words you can. I am planning on reading as much as I can before making my batch of soil. This will be the first time I've ever made my own soil, so I will do due diligence, and hopefully come up with something...
  20. Nwtexan

    High PH and ensuing nute issues-Organic

    I appreciate that, and am slowly moving forward, I'm actually pretty up on my well water. I have a slightly above neutral PH, around 7.1. I have low mineral content, around 75PPM. I have a chemical test and my calcium is around 40-50PPM, which is pretty low for any water, espeically well water...