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  1. InTheValley

    Do my flowers look right?

    good job man, just watch those PPMs, u are borderline.
  2. InTheValley

    Wtf my weed taste like soap

    you do know this was a 8 year old thread, lol.
  3. InTheValley

    Why is my plant looking weird?

    yeah bro, sorry man, PM like a mutha, As for the weird growth, "light leak", its trying to reveg. Is there a porch light on that can hit it? Or headlights from a car hitting it every night? even for a few seconds? I say its time to cull it bro.
  4. InTheValley

    Noobie needs some help please !

    again,? MAG Mag is the first nutrient that gets tapped out from photosynthesis, and if you have to much light, it eats it even faster. Your over feeding also. leafs shouldnt be that dark and ridged at that age.
  5. InTheValley

    What’s wrong with her?

    calcium makes the leafs pull to the side, i see a bunch like that. Definitely needs the mag also, im just saying, at this stage, cal and mag is a must, when you have a few plants, and only 1 is messing up, its usually either calMag hungryier then usually pheno, or root problems
  6. InTheValley

    What’s wrong with her?

    I think, definitely Calcium deficient, but it needs Mag, so, give it both, calmag or mag, should be the make-up of 40% of your PPMs
  7. InTheValley

    Help with plant that I don't understand.....

    yeap. Heck, even FoxFarm OF pretty much can grow a plant alone, with nothing. Some people are adding 500PPM to 1000 to it, lol..
  8. InTheValley

    What’s wrong with her?

    Those look pretty! Good job. 250PPM of CALMAG, not Epsom, u need Calcium man, Dont stop with the calmag till 3-4 weeks before flush, then just Epsom,
  9. InTheValley

    What’s wrong with her?

    CalMag, right from the start, thru 3 weeks before flush, last 3 weeks, just mag bro. calmag u want 150PPM ---- THEN add other nutes. Over watered, and over feed. Nitrogen toxic. Flush, 3x pot size, dry out, 250PPm calmag every 4 days. What media u using?
  10. InTheValley

    Help with plant that I don't understand.....

    man, you growers and sprayin shit on your plants, ugg A healthy clean envirnorment, you dont need any of that shit. What PPMs did you last feed? Your rust problem was lack of mag, and over watering.
  11. InTheValley

    SPRAYED MY GIRLS WITH SOAP & WATER and they started dying immediately

    next time, cinnamon mixed into your media. Gnats hate it, and other pests as well, and helps with roots. 1tsp per 1 gallon pot of media. You will be amazed at how great it controls a gnat problem,
  12. InTheValley

    Optic 6 vs perfect sun 6 vs geyapex luma p6

    I use both, luminus cobs 2x3500-80cri 2x4500-90cri crisscrossed
  13. InTheValley

    Am I feeding them too much?

    Yeah, i think you over feed, and WAY to hot bro. Forget that 84F BS. Get it to 80, and 55%RH. I take it you sprayed for the mites? Did you actually see one? Sometimes its better to vacuum the plant, then see if you find more. Next time, mix cinnamon in your media, does a great job with pests.
  14. InTheValley

    Am I feeding them too much?

    Thanks Bro! and yes, its sounds and seems crazy, but why does it seem crazy? What have you learned about YOUR nutes? Back of the bottle says, "blah blah blah" Feed chart said week 4, 1200 ppms? Heck MegaCrop says i should be at 630PPMs ( 6g) at this point. that would hurt this plant. I...
  15. InTheValley

    Am I feeding them too much?

    they are starting to yellow out, but because Im giving very little nitrogen now, im expecting this. Id rather under feed, then over feed, and tips are burning a tad already. BUT, i dont have blotchy, spotty messup crunchy ass leafs anymore,lol.. I have to actually figure out support because a...
  16. InTheValley

    Am I feeding them too much?

    Yeah, i guess your right. I still got meds, just taste like crap, and horrible looking most of the time. Gets the job done tho,lol.. This is the first time ive grown CBD. started 12/12 from seed, sexed in 16 days, topped, flipped to 18/6 for 14 days, topped again, flipped back to 12/12 at day...
  17. InTheValley

    Am I feeding them too much?

    Let me put it like this bro, Im in week 6 of flower of my CBD Cherry Wine, My PAR is around 600. Im able to spin my plant during the day, so i have 2 cobs with reflectors, ( 2x4500k and 2x3500k) so, every 30-45 minutes, i turn my pot 1/4. So it gets 650 par from 2 cobs, and when it spins, it...
  18. InTheValley

    Am I feeding them too much?

    what watts bro? Im using Luminus cobs, and i have 300 watts available. I rearly use all 300, maybe peak them for a hour or so a day, but usually im around 200-225 watts. I dont use dtw or ebb and flow, i use cocoloco, more soil media side. So, i cant really give a ton of info your your...
  19. InTheValley

    Is this magnesium deficiency? Pics included

    yes, and just tops of leafs
  20. InTheValley

    Am I feeding them too much?

    what light you use? I cant remember, Cobs right?