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  1. W

    Weird clone with picture

    Yes... also over spray can mess up soil pH. If it drips into the soil it can really mess up the soil. I seen this on a mass scale on a large farm where 500 plants were messed up sitting right next to another 500 for exactly this reason. Flushing never hurts and is the solution for that problem.
  2. W

    Seeded Plant Nutrients?

    Yeah Subcool is text book and good for learning. There are lots of ways to compost but SC is a good starting point. It is good for getting a fresh pile started. I too have my own worm farm and use live worms in the pots. Nothing but sugar water once the soil is working. No need to pH just...
  3. W

    Combining Advanced Nutrients with General Organics ???

    All fertilizers can be used with each other if dosed correctly. They are basically all the same thing in the end. The only real difference is if it is organic nutes or chemical nutes. AN is a bit of both. And both can be used together. The deal is if you add something more than recommended...
  4. W

    Weird clone with picture

    They all have the same genetics. Likely the pot was contaminated. Or something fell in during transplant. It would be a good idea to flush it. Run 5x the pot size in water through it or under a tap for 10 min ( that is a small pot so maybe 5) and it should heal up. There is no reason a...
  5. W

    Organic soil pot size

    The plant size, especially in autos, are determined by the rootball mass. There are a lot of factors but small pots make small plants period and 1.5 gallons is a waste if you ask me. I would never do less than 3 gallon and even then it will be a small plant. I typically only go under 5...
  6. W

    Seeded Plant Nutrients?

    If you are running a living soil then you need do nothing. You are on the right path. Keep it up and if you can get a few 30 gal totes and start recycling the soils. After about 2 grows but definitely after the third you have a soil, when done correctly, that can not be beaten. A properl...
  7. W

    Perpetual notes from my small grow

    First LSD clones rooted and placed in soil today. Dialed bloom light down to 750 as it is a bit warm in here still but I don’t want to open the door as it is getting below freezing outside. Probably a mistake.
  8. W

    Perpetual notes from my small grow

    Repotted 2 AK 48 and 1 SW to final pots of his evening. Compost part of mix was a bit short so used a bit of Fox Farm to top of.
  9. W

    Seeded Plant Nutrients?

    For evolutionary purposes... seeds don’t need much. I have found just letting things dry a while will allow seeds to mature even well after cutting them down. Let them do there thing for sure but... I have found that speeding them along works quite well. Nothing needed if you grew the...
  10. W

    Brown copper colored spots and no recent growth

    First off don’t fret you won’t lose your plants. That looks like calcium deficiency to me. Now that is one that happens to lots of people who use cleaned up water. Many city water sources simply don’t have it. If you filter you water as many do or buy purified water then you need to be...
  11. W

    making bacon, seed advice

    No I explained you leave it a bit open and then you don’t have a problem. After the first pic is a section of words about that. Getting it out of the bag is about as hard as opening a can of beer. I used to just leave it in there and put the flower from the next plant I want to pollinate in...
  12. W

    What is the best way to fatten buds before harvesting

    Not to be a dick but the question, although not a bad one, kind of misses the point. That said looks to be outdoor grow so yeah... But my point is fat flowers are the result of many things along the entire process. Fattening them up at the end is sort of wishful thinking. To get fat flowers...
  13. W

    making bacon, seed advice

    Typically indoor vs outdoor has more to do with time to harvest than height by the way. Growing plants big or small is a choice not genetic. I have a super long bloom sativa that simply won’t get half way through the bloom cycle outdoor where I live in Oregon but is very high potency if you...
  14. W

    Sexing during Veg

    I like to use a stress technique that induces flowering in any stage or lighting and then back off. It has many beneficial side effects and can cause stretch to happen which when managed correctly can be beneficial early on. I use homemade chitosan in EWC tea from crab meal. I understand...
  15. W

    Perpetual notes from my small grow

    RC S2 came up today! Like 5 days from harvesting it 4 days in soil...I have always said fresh seed just works and no need for paper towel madness. SW ‘B’ slower plant looks to have pre sexed female SW ‘A’ may have pre sexed as male which is fantastic! I want to get a pile of fresh seed from...
  16. W

    Perpetual notes from my small grow

    Pots Are marked with the things I am mostly concerned with. I opened this journal specifically to document dates of things and make some pics readily accessible.
  17. W

    Perpetual notes from my small grow

    Starting a new journal. New to this site and just testing out the features. I used to post on a different site and do not want to post there anymore so trying this place out. Nothing to see here just my notes moving forward and possibly a pic here and there if I want to make something easy...