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  1. Nwtexan

    mottled and canoing leaves on young veg

    My system has a temp control that runs the heater and fan. I wish i had gotten a humidity/temp but didn't know it at the time, and don't want to buy more stuff right now. My tent is in a shed and the shed has a small wall heater. I've been trying not to use the wall heater as much as it uses a...
  2. Nwtexan

    mottled and canoing leaves on young veg

    I actually have ir in this led. I will try raising the temp a little bit. Quick reading that I will follow up on. In any case, I don’t think there has been anything to create he’s stress, especially for the last week or so
  3. Nwtexan

    mottled and canoing leaves on young veg

    I hadn’t heard that about the temps. It’s hard to get solid info. The internet is like an insane library where you have to really figure out how to intake info. I’ll look into that. I was pretty psyched with how dialed in I was able to get my setup with minimal components(less chance of...
  4. Nwtexan

    mottled and canoing leaves on young veg

    I have kept temps mostly in low 70's. Humidity was kept higher as they were young(up to 70%), but now is at around 50%. Fan blowing gently on plants and suction fan to remove excess heat(mostly off or at low). The plants were generally 24-28" away from light, which was pretty low. I have also...
  5. Nwtexan

    mottled and canoing leaves on young veg

    Hello, I actually posted in a different thread, not knowing this was here on the forum. My apologies. I am having a strange issue that I can't figure out with one of my GSC plants. It has had this strange, bumpy mottling since it sprouted and I keep thinking it will grow out of it, but it's...
  6. Nwtexan

    400w hps with 200w led in 3x3!?

    A million questions, but really more as I go. I got a bunch of FF nutes, so am gonna try those to see where I sit at the end. To this point I am all organic and even my first feedings will be weaker Big Bloom(organic). My soil is FFHF with some other goodies I added. I've got enough nutirents(I...
  7. Nwtexan

    400w hps with 200w led in 3x3!?

    Wow, That's a lot of light! Was it a soil grow? Any other details? I'm soil
  8. Nwtexan

    400w hps with 200w led in 3x3!?

    So my lights are stacking up like this. I have a 200w led, 100w led and a hps 400. I’ve had hps/halide for a while and just jumped into the Led world. Really amazed at the light output Right now I’m using the 100 w to veg in my main room. When I flip to flower, I’m gonna move the 100 over to a...
  9. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    I'm gonna let it grow for a bit and see if it can straighten out. I only have the 3 plants with this run. Kind of a test run to see how I want to do things
  10. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    That's what's weird. I've checked PH. Its low 6..Around 6.3. I did a soil test ALso, the exact same soil with my other plants, and no nutes or anything. Even if I watered with straight well water, its 7. I amend it to 6.2-6.3
  11. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    So, plant looks a little better, but still wondering what people think this is. I've spent a good deal of time trying to find symptoms that look like this. Again, the best I can figure, outside of some weird disease, is some root issues with watering. When i first transplanted seedling into 1...
  12. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    Watered today. I added a bit of recharge to the water, with the thought that whatever was going on was some type of root funkiness. I am following Ed Rosenthal's advice to bring my soft water(@75ppm with low calcium) up to around 125. I used calmag(sparingly) for the first time. Adding the...
  13. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    I just did that! I’m getting things together for what I want to do with my grow. Got a plugin thermostat to turn on a small wattage heater in the tent for heat and/or turn on my vent fan as needed. Humidity is right around 60-65
  14. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    Interesting note. When I watered a couple of days ago, I watered all 3 plants. They are all in 1G fabric pots. each one was watered to the point of light runoff. I have 1 other GSC and 1 G13. The pot with the plant in question is almost completely dry! It's not close to the light, fan, or...
  15. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    Will do. All 3 of my plants were watered at the same time and have the same general weight. I was checking that this morning before I posted.
  16. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    Thank you. When i first planted the jiffy pellets I was so paranoid about overwatering(reading thread after thread) that I used a small shot glass size container with 4 or 5 fillings to water. I watered to runoff day before yesterday. I'll check soil again tomorrow and probably water then or...
  17. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    I have been trying to diagnose what might be wrong. Its looking like the new growth is curling over as well. Possible root problems? It didn't look like any of the deficiencies that i could see. I transplanted straight from jiffy pellets to the 1 g so I was going a bit easy on watering, pouring...
  18. Nwtexan

    Nutrient PPMs with low mineral well water

    I was reading last night in Ed Rosenthal's book, that water like mine with low hardness has little buffering ability, making the addition of nutrients have a more dramatic effect on PH. He recommends adding Calmag to get water to a better base level of 125-150 ppm. My soil is a mix of FFHF...
  19. Nwtexan

    another wrinkle leaf seedling diag?

    Hey everyone, Doing a lot of learning here. Appreciate all of the knowledge! i've started 3 plants in a 3x4 tent. 2 GSC and 1 G13. Growing in FFHF. I added some perlite, worm castings, humus, and recharge. Plants were started in peat pellets. Planted in 1 gallon fabric pots a few days ago...
  20. Nwtexan

    Nutrient PPMs with low mineral well water

    Thanks everyone. Yes, glad to have the good well water. Tastes good too!