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  1. max316420

    Well this is embarrassing….

    You know it’s funny you say that because I’ve had seeds before not pop. And they were left in a cold area and then same beans from same batch popped super easy. Wonder if that has something to do with it
  2. max316420

    Well this is embarrassing….

    Hey guys I’m kinda embarrassed to have to ask this question but I can’t find any info about this anywhere. Ok so I scooped some beans from fat cat labs of purple flamingo. So I do my usual way of germinating them by putting them into seed starting soil and wetting it. This has always worked for...
  3. max316420

    Can anyone diagnose?

    Thanks guys I figured they were overfed just wanted to get a few other opinions on it.
  4. max316420

    Can anyone diagnose?

    Only thing throwing me off is that I use the same feeding schedule every crop expect I didn’t use 1500 ppm of co2 on this one due to my burner dying. Can co2 really speed up the plants metabolism to the point where they eat that much more while supplementing co2
  5. max316420

    Can anyone diagnose?

    Yes I get plenty of runoff… and you may be correct about the calmag. Looking at the percentages of calmag in calimagic and in the advanced, definitely too much. I’ll get a pic as soon as lights come on but it’s really only effecting the upper large fan leaves. Lower leaves and regular “bud...
  6. max316420

    Can anyone diagnose?

    By chance do you know which element was overdone? I’m thinking phosphorus because it seems to have happened when I introduced the big bud
  7. max316420

    Can anyone diagnose?

    That’s what I thought. I’m thinking it’s never happened before because I’ve always used co2 and my burner died out thus they didn’t need as much food and I should have adjusted the amounts accordingly
  8. max316420

    Can anyone diagnose?

    So I’m wondering what’s going on, haven’t ran into this issue before so I’m wondering if someone can help she’s about 6th week of bloom nutes: advance Nutes sensi bloom 3ts per gallon Calmag 1 ts per gallon Sensizyme 1.5ts per gallon Nirvana 1.5 ts per gallon I’ve been feeding them this...
  9. max316420

    Ordering cuttings from the net...

    Hello fellow gardeners. So I’d like to purchase some newer strains and I hate doing the whole seed thing and waiting so I’ve decided I’d like to buy some cuttings for once and see how that goes. Can anyone recommend a good company that ships cuttings thru the mail and is legit and you’ll...
  10. max316420

    I’m looking for LEGIT Tropicana cookies beans

    Can anyone point me in the direction of getting some legit Tropicana cookies beans? I’m trying to get this cut below but don’t know if it’s gonna happen. I see a few different people that breed TC... This is the winner of the 2019 Michigan cannabis cup sativa. I would literally pay anything for...
  11. max316420

    Anyone run Success Nutrient line?

    I’d like to hear some feedback from any y’all using success nutrient lineup? The pros and the cons...
  12. max316420

    Ok let’s see your Ethos genetics grows

    I can say that the cresendo is out growing all of them in terms of filling out quicker. And the cherry berry smells EXACTLY like cotton candy
  13. max316420

    Ok let’s see your Ethos genetics grows

    I’ll post some pics tonight, they are about 3.5 weeks into bloom
  14. max316420

    What’s your favorite nutrient line?

    That’s not the point of the question lol I know what a plant needs, I’m just trying to get the growers perspectives on which nutrients lines they like and dislike the most
  15. max316420

    1000 cmh conversion bulb?

    Hey guys how ya doing today? So I was wondering if anyone knew of any kind of conversion bulb that would go in a 1000 watt double ended fixture that would take it from mh/hps to cmh and still work with regular digital ballast? Or would the better bet to be just convert to real 315 w cmh...
  16. max316420

    Ability to raise and lower light via smartphone?

    I also posted this in “grow room design and set up” but now I’m thinking I might get a better response from here. So here it goes.... So I know there’s some smart mofos on here and need your guys help. I wanna set up a WiFi hoist system so I can raise and lower my lights via smart phone. I’m...
  17. max316420

    Ability to raise and lower lights via smartphone?

    So I know there’s some smart mofos on here and need your guys help. I wanna set up a WiFi hoist system so I can raise and lower my lights via smart phone. I’m doing some experimenting on setting up a fully remote controlled room. So far I can’t find any kind of lift system besides this sun hoist...
  18. max316420

    Losing the battle with first grow in promix HP, help!

    To all the people telling him to let the promix dry out, your wrong. You NEVER let promix completely dry out. If you do, you will regret it. That’s when all your problem will start. Keep it damp but not soaked. Feed half strength every 2-3 days. Next time add some perlite to ur mix and your...
  19. max316420

    Mandarin Cookies from Ethos/Meigs Fertilizers

    Shoulda kept this post going