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  1. Mcgician

    911 Conspiracy

    No, what I'm saying is that most claims are bullshit unless they can be proven, or disproven. That's why it's called proof!!! Any jackass can come up with any theory they want. Are you suggesting science needs to disprove all such ridiculous theories in order to validate itself? If the proof is...
  2. Mcgician

    911 Conspiracy

    No offense, but you prove my earlier point. Saying there's "plenty of proof" is hardly empirical evidence. Saying you don't have to prove anything goes against everything the scientific method stands for. Try again,........please. Thanks.
  3. Mcgician

    You sent me a friend request but I have no idea why. Normally, the people I get them from are...

    You sent me a friend request but I have no idea why. Normally, the people I get them from are people I've had conversations with or have other similar interests other than ganja. You might a cool dude, but would you care to explain? Thanks.
  4. Mcgician

    Found a strain that finishes in 34 days !

    bullshit................but good luck messing around with it. Honestly, how big can any buds get in that short of time? If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is. Sorry.
  5. Mcgician

    I think my house is being watched

  6. Mcgician

    911 Conspiracy

    Prove it. Thanks.
  7. Mcgician

    canna boost accellerator VS AN bud candy

    I've only recently switched to the Canna line myself for flowering and because of a major malfunction in a pH meter it makes it awfully difficult to base any objective resultant evidentiary claims. My pH meter fouled on me for at least 10 days and the plants unfortunately ended up being fed a...
  8. Mcgician

    911 Conspiracy

    Are you serious? What a joke. The sheer statistical probability that so many people involved could not only have pulled off such a conspiracy, and for the decade of following years is astronomically impossible. My roomate is one of those kool aid drinkers and it's really annoying constantly...
  9. Mcgician

    shit is still going down in SJ

    The only problem with that logic is that on a federal standpoint it's still illegal and the paying of taxes on it is a legal admission of that illegality. In addition to that, there is no taxation on "medicine", so it fouls the logic even further, except for of course cannabis? Somebody care...
  10. Mcgician

    Anyone watch the 2 hour special on the History channel about Marijuana last night????

    Normally, the shows History Channel puts together are more informative and educational. The show the other night just seemed like a big push for pot legalization imo. I've heard better arguments against outright, recreational legalization right here on this board, by growers. If they're going...
  11. Mcgician

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    When I first posted this thread, I'd hoped I'd never have to deal with these fuckers ever again, but somehow they returned. They've been quarantined in the veg room, and are only on the blackberry kush plants I have now. They're teens and just are ready to start flowering now, but I won't put...
  12. Mcgician

    Favorite trance songs?

    +1!!!!!!! Some great recommendations so far. Have a look at the thread I started a while back. I also have some complete mixes put together of a lot of great tracks. My mixing on the other hand, leaves more to be desired. Nothing like free music though. Enjoy...
  13. Mcgician

    Humboldt County Nutrients

    I gave Humboldt Nutrients' Oneness a shot since I was looking for a one part formula for veg with a higher phosphorous content, but ended up very disappointed. The one part formula is VERY unstable, extremely acidic, and forms a nasty film in the rez even when using airstones. Had to add a ton...
  14. Mcgician

    Whats gonna happen when the hurricanes hit the oil?

    Ask a climate change "expert". Then, when it doesn't happen the way they predict, they can blame it on "climate change". :roll: lmao On a serious note, I don't take the spill lightly, and despise what's happened/happening. "Follow the money". Right? BP, GE and Jeffery Immelman, the...
  15. Mcgician

    Help...Bunches of houseflys?? Do they hurt your plants??

    This thread reminds me of this one...
  16. Mcgician

    My mother....

    She doesn't vote does she? Sounds like an Obama zombie to me. lol
  17. Mcgician


    I'm eating steak right now. I kneed a gnife.
  18. Mcgician

    F**k HARBORSIDE (boo boo side) health center

    The Mental Floss clones I got there are off the hook. :mrgreen:
  19. Mcgician

    Expert advice- Best, 1 part GROW nutrient for HYDRO

    Good question, and one that makes perfect sense. I assume since I've previously used the Gold line of DM's nutrients, that their one part isn't quite as good?? I don't know. For the most part, I'm looking to try something new, and that may as well be a different brand. I'm doing a fair bit...