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    Pro breeze?

    Would just unzipping the tent work? Is that a good idea
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    Pro breeze?

    I dont have an exhaust fan. Don't really want to get one either for this grow. Already spent 230 for light and 200 for a tent. Just trying to do this cheap.
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    Light green leaf tips

    So what is the best way to solve this issue. By raising the lamp or dimming it
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    Humidity control

    So I have a 6x6x8 grow tent that currently hangs around the 60-63% humidity. My autos are four weeks old and 3 out of the four are indica. I realize soon im probably going to need to drop that down. I opened the bottom ports, and thats how I got to this humidity. How can I drop my humidity the...
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    Pro breeze?

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    Pro breeze?

    Do you think getting a dehumidifer would be a good move? I really dont want to spend for an exhaust system at this point in time. Just need some to help bring it down a little lower.
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    Pro breeze?

    My humidity in my tent currently runs around 60-63%. My autos are turning 4 weeks old, and realize soon im going to need to have to control my humidity. I have all my strains indica except for one. Do you guys recomend a humidifier? I tried opening up the ports on the bottom, and thats what got...
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    Light green leaf tips

    I think its from my light since its only the very top leaves. Should I raise or dim my light?
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    Pro breeze?

    Would the pro breeze be a good dehumidifer for my tent? Its a 6x6x8
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    Can you put concentrate in dry her vape

    So I got apx 2. I was wandering if I put some flower in it, and then put some sugar on top of the flower, would that work? I don't do concentrates often, only a couple times a year, more of a flower guy.
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    Tried coke

    Ya, I wouldnt go back to a dealer who sold me blow and I got a speedball, I dont buy coke though . Another problem is some dealers don't use the drugs they sell, so they have no idea what the last person who had it put in to it. I was lucky to never get a fentanyl xanax. You know the two highs...
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    Tried coke

    Not really, people like speed balls. Get them hooked on both is were the money at. Some people may just want coke, but hey who you still got narcotics just two different ones. All im saying is, it does happen. Why would you give weed smokers pcp, idk, but sometimes it happens
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    If you were teaching a new grower...

    I would say to get the better light especially right off the bat. I made a mistake and spending money on a 120w light i believe and was not happy. I say 200w and above. I would personally go for 300w and above. Then again I'm growing 4 plants. If he's only growing one then a 100w should do you good
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    If you were teaching a new grower...

    I like my 6×6×8 mars grow tent, kingbright lights (I would get 320w or above if you want to grow more than two). Kingbright is a great price for a good light. I paid 230 for my kingbright 320. I would always say to get a little more of something than what you expect to do. If you get a tent only...
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    Any idea what bug this is?

    What bug are they, their a fuckin problem, thats what they are
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    Week 11 autoflower

    In his case there is no debate, if it works for you, which if you look at his pic I think ots obvious, it works for you. I personally start autos in small pots then transfer them to bigger pots at 2 weeks. People say you should start autos in their final pots are liers. Plus even if it does cut...
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    Preflower humidity

    Is it okay to have your humidity on the higher side for preflowering plants. Its at 68%. No buds yet, just preflower. My temp is at 78 degrees. I broke down and bought a meter to test since I figured it would be pointless to go through all of this and get bud rot
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    Week 11 autoflower

    I flush normally the last week of autoflowers. Either way, your doing something right. Super frosty, and looks like it's going to be an excellent yield. This seems like its working for ya.
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    yet again ive ran into an issue

    Probably bugs, could may be a mutation as well. Plants are like people, some come out looking perfect, others are born all types of fucked up .
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    How many can I fit?

    Solo cups definitely will allows him to have mabe 5 or more plants. Your safricing yield though, mabe an ounce if your lucky. Cant see them getting more than an ounce. I never did that before though