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  1. Hashishh

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Great structure on these Copper Chems. Second time running the Sundae Stallion and don't think I will again. Another week till I defol the bottoms. Wanna wait till the male chucks his pollen then I can take some lowers and do a SoG run. I got a feeling these would run good in some 3 gals...
  2. Hashishh

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    It's an open pollination sort of. He'll bust pollen everywhere by week 3 or 4 and I can pull him out and toss him in the compost bin. Should end up with a few thousand seeds.
  3. Hashishh

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    2 Copper Chem and a Sundae Stallion mom waiting for pollination from a Copper Chem male at day 12 into flower since flip.
  4. Hashishh

    Variation on the "when can I sample?" question....But a smart one this time...

    If I didn't hack the male down I have right now I'd have had mass pollination in the first 2 weeks. Even stunting his growth I've still got a couple brown hairs - I'm guessing my girls are pollinated. Keep a look out because it doesn't take much pollen to mess a whole run up. If your girls...
  5. Hashishh

    Variation on the "when can I sample?" question....But a smart one this time...

    But by then it's ready to hack down into sample packs so what's it matter :bigjoint:
  6. Hashishh

    DFG 2020 grow log

    Just started following along - great stuff dude. Love the colours. Great choice for a pup, we have Bullmastiffs ourselves - fantastic dogs (any mastiff breed is really). Just wanted to show some support and let you know I'll be following along - Keep living the dream! :bigjoint:
  7. Hashishh

    You favorite MOTIVATING strains?

    Wondering if you've made any seed batches with the OTH? Was interested in it a while back but flowers too long to really be something I can run. Was thinking of finding a female to dust with some shorter flowering strains. More or less just curious if you or anyone made some crosses and if it...
  8. Hashishh

    Money no object LED

    Yup, had a few too many tokes this morning. Even then, still very impressive. I just sat down and started watching some videos by a guy with apogee I think the company was called. Pretty interesting stuff, I wanna look more into the PPFD of LED vs HID. Ideally I'd like something that matches...
  9. Hashishh

    Money no object LED

    And all I wanted was the proof to back it up. I'll be honest you downplayed it in your initial post. I was expecting a couple little LEDs and a few pounds of wet, leafy schwag. Good stuff dude, for real.
  10. Hashishh

    Money no object LED

    We also have a time of use plan but pay much more than that during off-peak. I'm almost jealous. I could put in 3 or 4 times the lighting without killing the electric bill.
  11. Hashishh

    Looking to switch to soilless and need some help

    If you're thinking Promix All Purpose Potting soil I'd stay away from it. Or the Promix Potting Water Retention, which again, stay away. Get a bag that says either HP or BX on the bag. Those are the only two you should look for. If you're at a hydro store they'll likely have an in-house off...
  12. Hashishh

    Money no object LED

    Ouch, I pay half that off peak and I thought that was highway robbery.
  13. Hashishh

    Money no object LED

    Thanks. I will definitely be looking through that. That sounds insane. 9lbs in a 4x8, correct? As someone with HiD background, where do I start to look at LED's? So much misinformation I'm not sure where to even look. 1000$ is a lot to invest in false promise, where I know HiD provides great...
  14. Hashishh

    Money no object LED

    Interested in the Gavitas, can someone point me in the right direction? I run a 600hps in a 4x4, tried dual 400's but was a bit hot. Want even coverage is all I ask.
  15. Hashishh

    Variation on the "when can I sample?" question....But a smart one this time...

    All good. Generally I wait for doc appointments out of town to stock up but with Covid they've either been delayed or are in town when they can. Shipping is a killer when you buy it online. I have a cleaning supply outlet in a town about 3 hrs away that'll let it go at a reasonable price per...
  16. Hashishh

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Anyone hear anything about any 420 sales? Wanting to buy some packs but the cheapo in me doesn't want to buy them now to have them 25% off in a week.
  17. Hashishh

    Looking to switch to soilless and need some help

    Same thing here. Promix HP, no amendments, Mega Crop for nutrients. I start out low with my feeds, about 2 weeks after the seed pops the soil, then start at about 0.3 EC and slowly work up. Edit: I also add a spoonful of Epsom salts per gallon or two of water. But that's because I find I don't...
  18. Hashishh

    Variation on the "when can I sample?" question....But a smart one this time...

    I don't think my wife's gonna drive 5 hours to pick me up some iso lol. We live in a pretty rural area I'd say.
  19. Hashishh

    Variation on the "when can I sample?" question....But a smart one this time...

    If I'm gonna drive that far I'll go to the cleaning supply company and get a barrel.