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  1. max316420

    Continuous leaf problems

    magnesium def
  2. max316420

    top leaves twisting

    Try backing your light off a tad for the hell of it
  3. max316420

    what is happening? bottom leaves dying, tips burning, premature flowering

    I'm feeling lazy tonight so yes i'm an asshole and didn't read what you wrote but I have a question. Have you fed them anything?
  4. max316420

    Help? Noob mistake.

    That's not nute burn, looks like lockout.. Have you tested your ph?
  5. max316420

    Help? Noob mistake.

    How long have they been in there? Aren't both those things you added organic?
  6. max316420

    Calling all newbs.... caling all newbs

    Ive done a few and I kinda agree with him but still don't mind helping
  7. max316420

    Issue On My Rooms Plz.

    naw everything I say is pure bullshit lol good to see you back... I missed you hehe
  8. max316420

    Please help. Think a herm polinated my ten plants. (with pics

    I'm pretty sure that if it really works then it has some sort of auxins in it, can't find a ingredient list
  9. max316420

    Please help. Think a herm polinated my ten plants. (with pics

    Gold Range REVERSE FOLIAR SPRAY - USAGE INSTRUCTIONS All Black Bottle product usage instructions are the same as the equivalent Gold Range product usage instructions. Available in: 1 Litre, 5 Litres Male Flowers Causing Headaches & Ruining Your Crop? What An Ugly Sight! Every Growers Worst...
  10. max316420

    Please help. Think a herm polinated my ten plants. (with pics

    auxins will prevent a plant from growing seeds... Don't know how easy it is to get but that will do the job.. Dutch master has something called "reverse" that is supposed to stop seeds from growing, Alot of people "claim" that is works. Are they fem'd seeds?
  11. max316420

    Issue On My Rooms Plz.

    Just keep up with the calmag, the leaves won't turn green again but when you have a calmag def your buds growth slow so the plants won't look the healthiest but the budding will resume.. Don't chop those leaves off, they look bad but the plant is still using them
  12. max316420

    Er PROBLEMS ? 4 weeks flowering !!! (PICS INCLUDED!!)

    I have found that when a magnesium def has set in, it's really hard to get it back on track and epsom salt doesn't seem to help that much, but thats just my opinion... Nex grow nip it in the bud and start supplementing right when you flip your lights...
  13. max316420

    Er PROBLEMS ? 4 weeks flowering !!! (PICS INCLUDED!!)

    Big bloom is SUPER weak so I wouldn't worry about over doing it with that, TB is super concentrated so use caution when feeding.. Doesn't look overfed too me
  14. max316420

    BCNL boxes for growing

    me either... cost me $100 to make another 4 tier cloning chamber with light and climate control and it works FABULOUS.....
  15. max316420

    Er PROBLEMS ? 4 weeks flowering !!! (PICS INCLUDED!!)

    Actually how much tiger bloom did you feed it? and did you ph your water after adding the tiger bloom? Tiger bloom is ph'd SUPER low for long shelf life and will REALLY drop your ph
  16. max316420

    Er PROBLEMS ? 4 weeks flowering !!! (PICS INCLUDED!!)

    Did you spray anything on them?
  17. max316420

    Er PROBLEMS ? 4 weeks flowering !!! (PICS INCLUDED!!)

    my guess would be BAD calcium or and possibly copper
  18. max316420

    BCNL boxes for growing

    do they have co2?
  19. max316420

    Crop wide spread defficiency/infection!

    what ff food are you using and how much?
  20. max316420

    Crop wide spread defficiency/infection!
