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  1. max316420

    Early problems with my babys

    If you flush I'm willing to bet it will "magically" resume growth
  2. max316420

    Early problems with my babys

    I would also give a good flush, size of your pots has nothing to do with it.. Is that moisture control organic or time released?
  3. max316420

    Please help. Think a herm polinated my ten plants. (with pics

    a plant that hermi's tends to produce seeds that hermi.. Unless you caused it to hermi by stress, light leak, fucking up the light cycly or something along the sort
  4. max316420

    Nutrient burn? Deficiency?

    @wet... Your my hero. Keep up the GREAT advice
  5. max316420

    Top Of Plants Stem Gone Thin And Plants Drooped Over (about 5-7 days old)

    Get your lights closer, stake it up with a small stick and get a small fan to blow a real lite breeze on it to strengthen up the stem and you'll be gravy
  6. max316420

    Plants Necroting

    calmag.... mostly calcium, If you flush it will get worse. Feed calmag and some time and she will recover. RO water is so pure that it always has to be supplemented with calmag, especially if your ladies love it.. Which alot of strains do.
  7. max316420

    Need some help. Lost

    Have you fed them anything yet? I think that's your problem.. Can you post a pic of your whole plant? And just remember every leaf on your ladies isn't gonna be perfect
  8. max316420

    Please help, No idea what this is.

    looks like they need to be fed or fed more
  9. max316420

    yellow/brown lower leaves

    did you have problems when using tap water or did it start when you introduced the distilled water?
  10. max316420

    Help plants doing poorly . OG Kush

    Since your soil is a seed starting soil I'm willing to bet there isn't much food added my MG, what's the ratio on the bag?
  11. max316420

    Help plants doing poorly . OG Kush

    I would give it a lite feeding, the plant is feeding off stored foods in the fan leaves
  12. max316420

    Recovering after Bud rot

    IMO they don't look ready yet
  13. max316420

    Recovering after Bud rot

    Keep your humidity down too...
  14. max316420

    Advice Wanted: Planning Phase Of My Grow Room - AF Short Strains & Self-Made Nutes??

    You can brew your own compost teas, really simple and work great
  15. max316420

    how much lime...i forgot, lol

    1 cup per 1 cubic foot of soil. I would use the pellets because most likely you won't have any ph or calmag issues in veg and with the pellets, they take some time to start to break down thus lasting longer.. Good luck bro
  16. max316420

    yellow/brown lower leaves

    What type of water are you using?
  17. max316420

    Help plants doing poorly . OG Kush

    I feed right when my beans pop... Does the starter soil have any nutrients in it?
  18. max316420

    Please help!

    Looks like severe nutrient burn... Give her a good flush and time to recover
  19. max316420

    Lowryder 2: Concerned Parent, please glance.

    Just make sure to back your lights off a tad after spraying and go lite on the foliar feeding or there is a possibility of burning them.. Glad to see things are shaping up..
  20. max316420

    Continuous leaf problems

    try to keep your ph around 6.5, if needs be add some dolomite lime and that will keep it stable